
I have to get the bread.

I have to get the bread to make the sandwiches.

How can I make any sandwiches if I don’t have any bread?

I must go get the bread.


I’ll go down town and get the bread.

I need it to make sandwiches.

How can I make sandwiches without bread?


I’ll take the subway down town to the bread shop.

I’ll get some bread for sandwiches.

I can make sandwiches with bread.


I have to get the bread.

I have to get the bread to make the sandwiches.

How can I make any sandwiches if I don’t have any bread?

I must go get the bread.


I’ll go get the bread.

I have to make sandwiches.

I can’t make any sandwiches without bread.


I can make sandwiches with bread.

I’ll go down town and get some bread.

I have to get some bread for sandwiches.


I have to get the bread.

I have to get the bread to make the sandwiches.

How can I make any sandwiches if I don’t have any bread?

I must go get the bread.



© 2004 David Greg Harth


She Said This and She Said That


Broken Heart