Count The Tiles

I remember singing the song

Drinking the apple juice

And praying to God


I counted the tiles

And got yelled at for lookin reddish

Devilish under


I said I would fuck em’

And still will for those who do not

Deserve better days


I’ll go down with everyone together

Eating sweet bananas

In day trips

Along sidewalk homes


I’ll take rapid eye movements

And listen to them from Jesus

I’ll offer you a mint

A candy

And get in trouble for using

God-damn deodorant!


Shove your dots

Up your ass

I like dogs now

What do you think about that?


Inject me with the over-ness

And slip on your slip

Together we’ll straddle

The IV post

And we can then discover

How to take a normal one

Count the tiles

And sleep in the white

Because you are mine

And you have read

And I know the code

And you

You do not

You do not

You do not





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296NYC


Taxi Cab Roses


Growing Beautiful