Dear Ms. Copyright #2

Dear Ms. Copyright,


I received your letter in response to the previous acceptance. Unfortunately, we cannot fully accommodate your needs and/or requests. You have not pre-determined your Act in which we would need to comply with. We are unaware, at this time, of such an Act which engages the reasonings of one, two, or three, in or during the proposal. I apologize in advance but the Nevada lay cannot occur due to the following reason. I am happy to inform you that your prize package has changed to include a trip to London and a visit from Jack the Ripper!


We encourage you to quickly return to the home of your choice, we will then award you with the fabulous prize of, once again, Exchange Material Overhaul. We hope you enjoy your gifts and prizes.


Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us.



Surprise Surprise Department



© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City


Love (Version #15)


My Lover’s Unique Ass