
Because you cry when you sing

And pour sweat down the guitar which you play


Because you hug and miss those who share

And sing with gloria in the flames of my eye


Because you understand and I compare Vox to you

And not you to Vox


Because you sculpt angels in front of us all

And back home in your own cathedral


Because you connect and share the joy

And possess a talent that exceeds most




Because passion is a name you know

And a policy you follow


Because you buy food for the homeless

And have patience for Jack Daniel’s and holy water


Because you bring all up on stage

And do not conform with society’s limits


Because your friends and wife have stood by

And you have keen interests in your followers


Because you bow down to those who you love

And respect yourself the same amount


Because from Nyack to New York City I knew you

And the glare in your eye highlights the crowd you draw


Because you have climbed with us

And not on top of us


Because you have held our hands together

And made peace in my heart; and theirs, nightly



Because you save many from the streets of sorrow

And committed to the journey of desire


Because you are not ashamed to change

And try the new


Because you kneel

And not charge


Because you appreciate and welcome

And stare down at the bullets of evil





Because you are who you are

And we thank you for sharing your beauty





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ Rock N’ Roll Cafe & 296 NYC @ Rock N’ Roll Cafe & 296 NYC @ Rock N’ Roll Cafe & 296 NYC @ Rock N’ Roll Cafe & 296 NYC


Memory Song


Alexander Filippou (An Artist’s Life)