Sunday (Version #2)

I woke up Saturday morning.

And the Sunday Early Morning shows were on the


And it was Sunday and not Saturday.

Saturday was gone, and Saturday became Sunday.


I did not understand. 

Had I slept through Saturday?

Had Saturday just disappeared?

Had I confused my days,

Confused my calendar?


Today is now Sunday

And Saturday is gone.

Saturday became Sunday

And Sunday I’ve become lost.


I woke up today,

Today was Sunday,

And not the day I thought,



The date was Sunday’s date.

The correct date of the month.

But what happened to Saturday?

Did we just skip it?

Am I in an alternative universe?

Where did it go?

Where did Saturday go?

Just last night it was Friday evening.


I woke up this morning.

I knew it was Saturday.

But I discovered,

That Saturday was Sunday.

And Saturday was gone.

Because today is Sunday.

And Sunday is now.




© 2005 David Greg Harth


Spoken Silence


Going Down