
The rivers of red, they flow down virgin thighs

The pulling of sheets, the clench of a fist


The tears run down, the beauty cheeks

The yells unheard, from deep inside the heart


The power struggle, sounds are muffled

The reality of him, he over she


It may be a response, but a force will blow

It may be a fight, but the winner will not pull


Scratch his back, nice and calmly

Scratch his back, dig deep inside


Scratch his eyes, pull his hair

No bitch- lets pull yours


Pull down those borders

Pull down those barriers


Intrude, not to produce

Intrude, not to love



Spread open

Wide open

Don’t be alarmed

You will not be harmed

Don’t be fake

You aren’t going to wake


Kneel down

Kiss it baby

The river flows

That virgin river


The pool; in red

The pool; in horror


It’s not going to hurt

It’s not going to be an answer


Don’t tell

I’m only mama’s boy

Don’t tell

I’m your friend

Don’t tell

I’m your lover

Don’t tell





For we have to stop that virgin river.




© 1997 David Greg Harth




Yellow & Red