The Emperor Has Returned

Emerging from silence

One thousand years forgotten

He becomes tranquil

Among past thieves

With pheasants roaming

And doves aviating


The Emperor has returned

Awakened from a deaf suspension

Awakened from a blind desolation


Emerging from secrecy

Time became irrelevant

He becomes euphoric

Among past maidens

With comrades commandeering

And enemies vanishing


The Emperor has returned

Awakened from a still coma

Awakened from a written dogma


Quest of the darkest deep

Shattering the ground beneath

Has interrupted this very sleep


His warriors end the pursuit

From latitude and longitude

They’ve given up the route


Endless to the very end

Beyond the cliffs of paradise

Only now he may transcend


The Emperor has returned

Awakened from an untimely death

Birthed once more into locus amoenus

With this kiss he has one more breath



© 2011 David Greg Harth


Complications Of Heart Surgery


Uncharted Territory