The Stories We Tell

When we are children we tell stories

Usually make believe

Based upon figments of what we’ve experienced

Based upon fragments of our vivid imagination

A bit surreal like a Salvador Dalí panting

Our reality is blurred with fantasy

We accentuate the truth

Bend the truth or even ignore the truth


When we are teens

We try to make our stories become reality

We can tell the difference between fantasy and reality

But we try hard to make certain stories a reality

Even though some stories will remain a fantasy


When we are adults

We are actively creating real stories

We are actively participating in the stories we will at one time call our “life”

We make decisions which affect these stories

We make these stories take the directions we choose

As we mold and form these stories

As these stories mold and form us into who we become


When we are in our old age

When we look at our life that has occurred before us

We will have stories to tell

We will have stories to share

We will share these stories about our history

About our lives

The story I will tell is amazing

But how will your story be?




© 2012 David Greg Harth


Altering The Time Of Your Death

