F, 2001 - 05 David Harth F, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Fifteen Days

Muted Hazel in 15 days

I will be famous for 15 minutes

Wrapped in sheets in 15 days

Gone to heaven for 15 hours


Piercing Blue in 15 days

She will be real for 15 minutes

Silently waiting for 15 days

Gone underneath for 15 hours


Rocked through the sky in Thousand and Two

Nobody heard, everyone felt

Nobody listened, you & I

Rocked through the midnight in today’s morning hours


Muted Hazel

Where have you been?

Muted Hazel

What kind of trouble are you in?


Piercing Blue

I don’t know you

Piercing Blue

Is it true?


Fifteen Days

Away I have swept

Fifteen Days

She no longer has wept


Rocked back and forth

Steady stream

Violent toss

Break a snap over your knee


Honey Dip

Supermarket trip

Grabbed you by the hip

Going to give your tongue a slip


Fifteen Days

Come and gone


Fifteen Days

I’ll here you sing


Fifteen Days

Spread the sheets


Fifteen Days

It’s time to eat


Fifteen Days

I want more


Fifteen Days

See you in February


Fifteen Days

Ides of March


Fifteen Days

Gone tomorrow



© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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F, 2001 - 05 David Harth F, 2001 - 05 David Harth


Four times I told you to stop it

Four times I asked for more

Four times I said sorry, and

Four times I said please


Four times I begged

Four times I said “Shut Up!”

Four times I repeated, and

Four times I cleaned bed


Four times I soaped up

Four times I made coffee

Four times I helped your son, and

Four times I was left alone


Four times I hurt myself

Four times I asked for forgiveness

Four times I went naked, and

Four times I prayed to the Lord


© 2001 David Greg Harth

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F, 2001 - 05 David Harth F, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I saw her dancing in the dark

I didn’t know she could also see me

See my hood down to my shoulders

See my hands covering up my heart


I saw her swaying her arms in the shadows

I didn’t know she never did this dance

She looked at my feet and noticed I was shoeless

She looked at my face and noticed I was hairless


I saw her igniting her imagination

I didn’t know that it was my reality

Moving forward towards me she touched my shoulders

Moving forward towards me she touched my soul



© 2001 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Just one glimpse

Let me just see it once

Then I’ll turn away


I’ll believe in God

I’ll fall in love

I’ll talk to my mother


Let me just have one look

Just for a little while

I want to see


I want to see your sculpted face

Let me see your face

I have to see your face

Please, let me see your face

I want to see your face

I need to see your face


Just one little glimpse

One quick look

A little gaze

A brief squint

Let me see your image

Let me see your chiseled face

Let me see your beauty

Let me see why people are running


Just one glimpse

Let me just see it once

Then I’ll turn away


I have to see your face

Let me trace your outlines

Allow me to enter peace

I must see your face


I have to see it now

I can’t go on living

I need the proof to survive

I heard about your face






I want to see your face

Let me see your face

I beg you

I will turn away right away

Let me see your face


Just one glimpse

Let me just see it once

Then I’ll turn away



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Found Incest

I was 16 and Fred was 14. We lived on my grandparent’s farm in

California. We had skinny dipped for about a week when one afternoon

we started fooling around in the water. I grabbed his dick and it

got hard.



Good for you, Betty! Did you make love in the water? Other experiences

during that special summer? It took my cousin and I awhile to get

to that point-kissing, exploring, mutual masturbation, etc.-until

we finally made love one afternoon in my bedroom. After that, we

tried to get together as often as possible.



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

For You (Version #2)

I did it because I loved you

I did it because I cared for you

Because I held your hand

Because I fed you

And nursed you


I did it because I didn’t want you to be in pain

And because I didn’t want to witness


I did it because you asked

Because you knew it was coming


I did it because you phoned me earlier

And told me how you felt


I did it because there was no one else

Because of the look in your eyes


I did it for you

And only for you


I pulled your plug

And now you are dead

And I live alone



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 nyc

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Found Days

Life is just a show

An assortment of catalogs

And told commercials

We are assembled and manufactured

And look into our lovers’ eyes


Love is created by corporate stands

Bookmark sayings and hallmark greetings

The episode I miss most

And desire the most

Is the never ending until next week to be continued one


These are the days

Where I remember those who adjusted

And those who affected me

Have become infected

With HIV


I remember deeply

Their smiles, their courage, their touch

I remember their words, their power, their warmth

I’ll never forget, and I’ll always pass on

Their true love


Love can’t be bought or taught

Love can only be experienced

And those who share will continue

And all I can do is smile

And think of you


Life is just a show

These are the days

I’ll never forget the sweet bananas

Your bleeding gums

And your crooked smile


The mint white sheets

And eager looks toward the Day

What you have found in me

And what I have found in you

The laughter


Looking out windows of rain

You shared your warmth with myself and others

I can only grasp at the memories

And shed salt tears in your name

And forget about being captured


I cry




© 1999 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I come home nightly

To strip to my cold nakedness

And run around in my baby skin


My smelly sweat attraction

And roll up my current fall issue

Of New York magazine


Curl it up into a bat

And swing at the iridescent

Buzzing-by larva laying

Disease infecting mother fucka



© 1999 David Greg Harth 296

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Five Years At Least One

I remember growing up.

My dad was at Attica.

And I would burn ants as a kid.

And play with the rat poison mom had in the cabinet under the sink.

Richard and I would come up with these weird con-cock-shins.

Like little league volcano science experiments.


I grew up in a farm state.

Filled with apples and I remember cow tipping and buying crap at Sugar Loaf.

And being yelled at to “Just answer the fookin’ question” by my uncle who

gave me the big-ass tannish teddy bear.


I remember the Fourth of July when both of my grandfathers would come down

the walkway and shake hands with open arms, as if they haven’t seen

each other in years.


It’s funny, when I think about it, I remember seeing my next door neighbor

completely naked. She saw a sock on my cock and I saw her breasts divulge

that her puberty had beaten mine. I once saw a kid on a roof and once in a

puddle of rain.


All my memories fade away now in the sun, because that’s when I get these

awful headaches and have to run inside in the shade and darkness. And when

I do, I think of my father that I had lost in upstate New York. The 2nd

largest killing of Americans by Americans since the Civil War. I feel

bleeding on my side because of that, and I’ll never be complete. Even though

I gain a brother every now and then.


I wonder where Jessica is. She sure was pretty, her golden long hair in

braids. That’s what I remember. Too bad I repress certain memories, she

wasn’t my kid. I would have supported her if she was. She didn’t have my

eyes. My eyes. You know what I mean. I’m a seduction sucker. But do I get

sucked or do I suck?


If I asked you to sit in the photobooth and take a photo with me, would

you? That reminds me, I have to go to the meat market and get something for

a self-portrait. Christo said that something was not his and I believed him.

Because I’m unconditional, that’s why I can do this. And he was broken and

bent out of shape? Maybe he should have gone to the doctor then, right?

Doctor? Page them please.


My grandfather would make little toy cars out of Quaker Oat Meal cylinder

cartons and pencils. He also helped me to draw. I remember one distinct

thing he taught me. If you look at the corner of a room, where the two

walls meet, the seam; you’ll notice that its actually lighter than the two

walls. You might think that this is wrong, but actually the two walls are

both reflecting light into the seam, hence, making it brighter. I recall

drawing a pack of True cigarettes with him one day.


She made some pasta for me, and we had some wine. She danced Infront of me

in my year of Nineteen Ninety Nine. We went skinny dipping in her outdoor

pool and the towel she wrapped herself in dropped to the floor.


I was making a list the other day and I was checking it twice. I didn’t want

to see who was naughty and who was nice. A lot are not nice and I want some

more to be naughty. Say naughty. Be naughty with me. Let’s get together and

feel all right. I’m a rebel and I can hear the chimes in the wind. And see

the kite fly above me on the beach of the New Jersey shore. I’m not from



One time I had a friend that introduced me to frog legs. He was an artist

at Columbia. He killed these little frogs and used the back leg muscles to

operate his art frog that was made of metal and machinery. It was a robot

frog with real muscles. David must have thought and wondered if the world

changed just because this little frog left the world. Kind of like when you

step into the ocean, the entire ocean rises around the earth, just because

you are in it! Amazing.


He had a dream about urinating in garbage cans. One Infront of Robin, one

Infront of Travis.


It’s kind of like design, or performance, or a bad artist, or bad move.

Almost like chess, but not checkers; that’s a hot dog, run it through, drag

it through the garden, take me to the river.


I once knew a man that had steel plates in his head. After gutting him I

tied my shoelaces around his neck and hanged him out in the yard.


My brother once taught me about love. But he left the family and has never

come back. He stole lots of things and hearts but I forgave him. He’s my

Valentine, and you are not. Do you hear that laughing or is it the gas in

my head?


Anyway, just a taste of fluid, that today, might be 100%. But give me at

most five years at least one year and I’ll show you something strange in the

mirror. But I won’t be talkin’ to you for a while. Sorry Pop, you know it

and I know it, I’ll catch your tears, if you catch mine.




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296NYC

Fathers Day 1999 @ 296NYC

Thursday after eating some French Toast at VG Bar

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A First Possible Attempt At A Poem For Jack

Resistful junk

wish I had a backyard bunk

I think I thunk

it’s going to duck

Be around dark midnight

it’s just about my luck

not to get any maid fuck

to make a damn American buck!

a roo - wish I wore

a tutu


fee fi foe thumbs

is that peat moss I smell?


Be pod lows

Come around low dying crows

Here seed med shows

Lice cauliflower hoes

Be fi fiddle diddle toes

Tickle me torture me

silly goose woes


Temple dimple in a hippo

Surround my buttocks upon your nipple

Could it be pleasure

or just a quadruple

or just a round-a-bout

table topple?


Doodie foodie times - keedy

Sans, sands, so and serifs

Big small and neatly

How I wonder what you are

and if you really are that far!!!




© 1998 David Greg Harth


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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Freshly Cut Grass

It’s going to be okay

I smell the fresh cut grass


I love it when I hear

The lawn mowers across the street

Right before the school day


The scent of the new grass

Giving birth to my passages


Afternoon Saturdays and morning hours

Filled with lawn mowers

Across the neighborhood


After school with Scooby-Doo and fruity snacks

Vibration and gasoline love


The sound of lawn mowers

Telling me that every thing

Is going to be all right


Reminded of childhood

Forgetting the now

Traveling back in time

To crushes, child’s play, and freedom of toys




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth



Give me the drugs

Let me sleep tonight

And not wake up tomorrow

Let me hear knocks at the door

And shoot me up with morphine

So I cant see her beauty

Or hear her laugh



Transplant my heart

I need a snake’s coldness

Let me violently whip around

And never be able to hug her again

Or if, so ever



Give me your eyes

So, a new set can be held

And I’ll never have the pain of thinking about her



Wash me down

So, I can forget about my beliefs

Show me the view

To translate my horrors

Take me downtown

To get tests that reveal my truths



Restrain me

So I wont break glass down your chest

So I wont cry myself to sleep

Cradiling my head in my arms



Send yourself to me

Because when I’m with you I forget about her

And I’d like to absorb the scent from which you grow

And I’d like to remember you

As the lasting image of beauty

not her




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Heading West

At sixty-five

Seeing the hills roll over

The burning hills on fire

Glowing reds and oranges

With a great wonderful halo


Hearing the tune and hymns

Of rediscovery

And all I can say is

Freedom at Last! Freedom at Last!


Heading West

Realizing there is no more

Had it all

Until the end

Survived much

To continue on


Had a bird

And nut-less board

Missed my cat

His eyes and glare


Decision of mades

And maids dancing with red

Sled riding hills

The West on Fire


Freedom at Last! Freedom at Last!

With thoughts of you,

My friend



Messages of thanks

As re-runs get fatter

Recalling hatred

Over misty mountains

Control is thirst

And I for you.


Freedom at Last!

Freedom at Last!



© 1998 David Greg Harth

Father’s Day

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


on the painting

on her beauty

on their wisdom

on the children at play

on the sparrows in flight

on the currents in the brook

on the chained prisoners

on the revolutionaries

on the goddesses

on the trapped

on my knee


on the lady bug recently set free

on the model train, going round and round

on the gift I have given

on the bed of sunflowers

on the water sitting still

on the hymns being sung

on the parents walking by

on my hope





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I forgot her

Damn It!

I did wrong.


Now she is gone

I gave her a painting

She left with my poetry


I have done no good

I scarred myself forever

Forever I am damned!


I threw myself in a cave

Sealed my soul

After pouring out my cum!


I remember squeezing her breasts

In a shower I took

I remember squeezing her ass

In the bed I destroyed


But now I forgot her

Damn It!

And now I am homeless


Without her I am dead.

With her I am a lie.

Today is no different

For she is still at my knees.


From the magazine shelf

To the soul music

She is a memory

Of tiger hood

And overalls


But I have died

I forgot her.

What can I say?

But I am dead today?





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Film & Radio


is thin

Thinning like my lost father’s hair


Film is revolution

Rotating around my index


Film is portraying

On the wall in white


Film is a pornographic documentary

Of Presidential lies and palace steps

Railroads and Wildebeests

Plant growth and boxing matches


Radio is a recording

From my history

To this present day


A tune to the lips of a dancer

And the horror which brings back memories


Radio you can’t hear

When fucked in the brain

Nor films to be played

But better than Ra-Dio



Radio I can hear it

But it’s not me

It’s not me hearing it

Just the audience

As I try to escape from the toilet flushes




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

For You

Feel the wind

Take you there

Feel the thigh

Feel you there


Feel the sunshine

Upon your chest

Upon my breast


See those colors

The ones you cannot imagine

I make them for you

I give them to you

For you

I would die


For you I would revolt

I would make pain

I would conquer the world

For you


For you I would climb

I would dive

I would divide

I would render

I would shoot

I would kill

For you


For you I would be wind

I would be time

and the womb which you protect


For you I would be the rain

I would be the fire

And the hurt which you feel


For you I would be the mirror

The reflection of your hatred

The reality of life

The wonders of birth

For you



For you I would tear at myself

I would rip apart

Seal the insides

And give you my pride

For you


For you no secrets are allowed

No possessions are understood

No time without you is real



For you one cannot hold

For you one cannot be

For you I would die


I would take you

To feel the wind

Upon my breast

Your holy chest

Upon the Cross

Where my father had died


For you

I would create sunshine

And pour the rain

Down your back


For you

I would love






© 1997 David Greg Harth

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F, 1975 - 95 David Harth F, 1975 - 95 David Harth


Fall means many things to me.

Outside there are lots of things to see.

The changing color of the beautiful leaves

Swaying in the sudden gentle breeze.

The squirrels are gathering their acorns

        near and far.

For they know winter is coming like a

        shooting star.




© 1985 David Greg Harth

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