I am not a bunny.
Thump. Hop. Bump. Dump.
I am not a bunny.
Pet me now.
Feel me now.
See you at Suis.
See you tomorrow.
Main street bunny.
Bunny in fishnets.
What have I done?
What have I done?
I am not a bunny.
Cum cup Pump mop.
I am not a bunny.
Grope me now.
Love me now.
See you at Exhibition Square.
See you at dusk.
Plain suit bunny.
Bunny in top hat.
Where do I belong?
Where do I belong?
I am not a bunny.
Watch my hare hair grow.
I am not a bunny.
Bend me over
I am not a bunny.
Look for me.
I am not a bunny.
Just wanting love.
I am not a bunny.
Bold and beautiful.
I am not a bunny.
White and furry.
I am not a bunny.
© 2004 David Greg Harth
I Met A Woman
I met a woman.
She is so much better than you.
She is so much better than
you’ll ever become.
© 2004 David Greg Harth
I Thought Love Was True
I thought love was true,
was real
was possible
but since she left me
I have rethought
my initial thought
and have gone back to my original
on the topic
at hand.
Love is not true
Love is not possible
And now the street worker
will have to sweep up my skin,
my lashes,
and my secreted ointments.
© 2004 David Greg Harth
Ice Cube, Ice Tea
Ice Cube
Ice Tea
Ice Cream
Ice Coffee
I Scream
I Sweat
I Stomp
I Sea
I See
I Sink
I Sunk
I Suck
I Sip
I Soothe
I Surreal
I Scoop
I Pop
I Push
I Pull
I Penetrate
I Pulsate
I Pump
I Pimp
I Pinch
I Pry
I Envelope
I Engage
© 2004 David Greg Harth
It Is A Good Day
Traveling through the states of my land.
Following my path to find my beloved.
Across mountains of earth and rivers of birth.
I moved through the woods and through the valleys.
My partner awaited me in the high desert sun.
She called my name again and again.
I sucked poisonous rattle snake venom out of my limbs.
I lived with my brothers among wolf packs in the wild.
Nightly I danced around the flames of the fire.
Like a crazy horse chasing his tail.
Through the fields of golden still wheat.
Beyond the trenches of my empty ache.
Visions of her kept my path clear.
Struggling among dirt of the mother.
Finally, I arrived to her beautiful side.
Put on my dress and placed on my paint.
Against the wind I approached my love.
An angel came down from the heavens.
She whispered in my ear.
“It is a good day to die.”
So, I took my pride and walked once more.
Great red of the core ate at my holy insides.
Drifting to my sleepless constant sleep.
My body became numb and my tongue ill.
I die a slow death becoming dead.
On this mighty good day under the same sky as she.
© 2004 David Greg Harth
I’m Digging In The Dirt
I’m digging in the dirt,
trying to find support.
I’m repairing my spine,
restructuring my backbone.
I’m digging in the dirt
trying to find myself, lost.
I’m listening with open ears,
feeling my heart beating empty.
I’m digging in the dirt,
with nothing left to win or gain.
I’m taking a leap of faith,
believe it not.
© 2004 David Greg Harth
I Don’t Want To Make You Cry
I don’t want to make you cry
I don’t want to make you sweat
Shed a tear
Or be afraid
I don’t want to make you hurt
I don’t want you to be in in pain
Crawl up inside
Or runaway
I don’t want to make you cry
I don’t want to make you hide
Become empty
Or scared
I don’t want to make you dive under
I don’t want to make you climb low
Surrender your self
Or remain silent
I don’t want to make you cry
Come home tonight
Let me inside
I’ve opened my heart
It stays ajar, for only so long
I don’t want to make you cry
© 2000 David Greg Harth @ SOHA NYC @ 1515 NYC
I Want To Fall In Love Just Once
Just Once
Like in the movies I see
Like all the lovers I see
Just Once
Like the boys and girls
Like the sweetness I witness and never receive
Just Once
I want to be someone’s teddy bear
Someone’s honey
Someone’s bunny
Just Once
I want to cruise with a lover in my arms
I want to float in the air with a lover at my side
Just Once
Like the music I listen too
Like the dramatic theatre productions that I watch
Just Once
Like my friends and relatives
Like my professors and grandparents
Like my co-workers and past significant others
Just Once
During the holidays
During the Fourth Of July
During the New Year’s celebration
Just Once
During the first snowfall
During the August down pour
During the change of seasons
Just Once
During the central park walk
During the vast ceremonies
During the mellow drinks at the corner bar
Just Once
I want to be someone’s sugar pie
Someone’s pumpkin pie
Someone’s apple pie
Just Once
I want to fall in love
And never get out of it
Just Once
I want to fall in love
And get lost in it
Just Once
I want to fall in love
© 2003 David Greg Harth
I Loved You Like It Was The Last Day On Earth
I loved you forever,
I loved you all of my life.
I loved you so much,
I loved you like it was the last day on earth
© 2003 David Greg Harth
I Cry (Version #2)
I cry,
because I can’t meet your parents
or take a road trip with you.
I cry,
because I can’t have Thanksgiving with you,
or rent a movie with you.
I cry,
because I can’t watch you apply lipstick to your lips
or watch you wash your hair.
I cry,
because I can’t dance with you
or listen to you breathing in your sleep.
I cry,
because I can’t walk with you in the park
or go to an opening gala at a museum with you.
I cry,
because I can’t hold your hand
or expose our love to the world.
I cry,
because I can’t get lost in your eyes
or listen to the ocean with you.
I cry,
because I can’t view sunsets with you
or make love to you.
I cry,
because you can’t cuddle on my shoulder on an airplane ride
or let me embrace you during a cold winter night.
I cry,
because from sea to sea,
land to land,
I have not met you.
I cry,
because I want to be on an airplane with you,
kiss you and hold your hand
as we descend upon the NYC skyline.
I cry,
all the time I cry.
© 2003 David Greg Harth
In The Shade
In the shade,
creeping up in the shadows,
out of the darkness,
he pounces on his prey.
Tears at her flesh
and eats her alive.
© 2003 David Greg Harth
I didn’t get to
I didn’t get to say that I was sorry.
I didn’t get to tell you that I love you.
© 2003 David Greg Harth
It’s been raining for days
It’s been raining for days.
It’s so wonderful.
You know why?
Because for days, we’ve stayed inside.
We haven’t gone out.
We’ve just stayed inside together.
For days.
And we just spooned, all day and all night.
© 2003 David Greg Harth
I Don’t Want To
I don’t want to fall.
I don’t want to.
It’s not my style.
I’m cold.
I don’t want to fall.
I don’t want to be in.
It’s not my way.
I’m alone.
I don’t want to fall.
I don’t want to wake up next to.
It’s not my method.
I’m strong.
I don’t want to fall.
I don’t want to experience.
It’s not my desire.
I’m closed.
I don’t want to fall.
I don’t want to hurt.
It’s not my ache.
I’m deep.
I don’t want to fall.
I don’t want to feel.
It’s not my path.
I’m singular.
I don’t want to fall.
Not today.
I fell long ago.
© 2003 David Greg Harth
I Want It So Bad
Words cannot express
Art cannot express
Music cannot express
How badly I wish to love
© 2003 David Greg Harth
I Am Getting Wed
Dear Friends,
I am getting wed. You are all invited to attend.
David Greg Harth
© 2003 David Greg Harth
I was wrong
the last hour glass
crossing the river
east to west
your mind in a moment
felt like forever
in just a second
your soul intermingles with mine
wrap and intertwine
slither in ocean patterns
lovers I haven’t found
or humans in contact
in last night’s dance
in so many things
if they were imaginary
but I was wrong,
I bleed.
© 2003 David Greg Harth