T, 2001 - 05 David Harth T, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Twenty Two

22 of you

22 beauties

22 morals

22 filled

22 smiles

22 above

22 right here

22 couldn’t ask

22 didn’t know

22 one more time

22 tonight

22 month of may

22 meanings united

22 twenty two



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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T, 2001 - 05 David Harth T, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Tenth Of May

On the Tenth Of May

My proceedings will come to a halt

I’ll be coming out

And magnifying my electricity I share with you all

I’ll take a bow and finish my acting

Be aware

On the Tenth Of May



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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T, 2001 - 05 David Harth T, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I have an early flight,

I am with a woman,


I am sick.


© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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T, 2001 - 05 David Harth T, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I love you.

You are the greatest of human beings

You are music to the ears of doves

You are inspiration to live

You are the king of civilization

You are bright light at the darkest times

You are mighty, strong, wonderful

You are great, brave, real

You are my hero,

 and I would do the same for you, any day.

But today, you did it for all of us,

A moment of silence, for you,

 remains in my heart yearly.



Dedicated to Todd Beamer, a Human Hero


© 2001 David Greg Harth

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T, 2001 - 05 David Harth T, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

Waiting for the fuckin clock

The world will close

Nothing left


Tick Tock

I’m running out of time

I’m waiting for you

I don’t want you to hold my hand


Tick Tock

It’s fuckin late

I’m going to be late

It won’t be on time


Tick Tock

No more time

I missed it

Ran out of time


Tick Tock

You were late

I am gone

Nothing left


© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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T, 2001 - 05 David Harth T, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Two Hundred Thirty Eight

Swallow the numbers dialed

Swallow the bird’s chirp

Swallow the phrases the King has said

Swallow the instructions taught

Swallow the reflection of yourself

Swallow the company

Swallow the middle of the road

Swallow the darkness of the night

Swallow the work that has to be done

Swallow the washed sheets

Swallow the man and woman


© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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T, 2001 - 05 David Harth T, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Thinking of You

And in that rainfall

In those clouds that come by

Seeing the wind rip up my soul

Feeling the twirl in my hair

And biting my lip

I think of you


© 2001 David Greg Harth @ NYC @ NYC

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tooth Fighter of the Night

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I won’t let you down.

I’ll rise straight back up

From the dead

From the dirt in which I’m buried under.


I’d burn in hell because I’m the forgiver of greatest sins

I’d make love to you if you were a larva carcass

I’d kill your mother if only she was still alive


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll purchase products by Sony and Mattel

I’ll purchase products by Fuji and Banana Republic

I’ll strengthen my weakness by feeding on your weak

I’ll strengthen my weakness by eating at your soul

Eating the flesh off your back

Licking your blood up off the floor

Your menstrual blood

Your baby blood

Your fuck blood


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll sink under and come up again

I’ll keep coming back for more

You can’t beat me down

You can’t erase me

You can’t make me disappear

You can’t dissolve my image


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll steal your teeth and make pretty necklace charms

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll leave you stamped bills beneath your fluffy pillow

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll fuck your daughter’s angel

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I won’t amend to please or surpass your dream

I won’t soothe or edit text-based imagery

I won’t use nicer words or be romantic

I won’t laugh or cry for your benefit


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll be a fighter

I’ll search and never die

I’ll always reach higher

I’ll always try again and again

I’ll survive

I’ll listen, look, learn, live and love


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night.




© 2000 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tuna Fish

“Tuna Fish”


My father makes the best tuna fish (salad).

I always know, if the tuna fish I’m eating,

is made by my father or not. His tuna fish

has a unique taste. It’s not about added pepper

or celery or extra mayo. It’s just the taste,

or maybe it’s in the knowing. It’s not just

tuna fish. It’s tuna fish that has unseen

love inside.


© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Top Ten Reasons Not To Kill Yourself

1) Eyes


2) They love you


3) She loves you


4) He loves you


5) Someone has a job to do


6) Smiles should not be forgotten so easily


7) Cookies


8) The scent always remembered


9) You inspire others


10) An artist is not there to record your last moment



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Let me tell you a tale


He lied. His father didn’t tell him the truth.

He put a gun against his father’s head.

He threatened his father.

But he was strong.

And saw the fear in his father’s eyes.

Both live on

One in federal one in honor of what?


© 2000 David Greg Harth @ New York City

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

True Wishes

I was standing outside of Maximus in St. Petersburg Florida

Talking with a friend.


Up comes a man, I’ve only met once before

Months ago.


The man comes up and interrupts

He says to me,

“How is conceptual art working for you?”

I reply,

“I think everything works for me.”

He says to me,

“I think you should work on finding some talent.”

He walks away.


My friend and I look at each other, puzzled.

We knew that man had not seen my current show titled ‘Wishes.’

So, we continue in our puzzlement.


I go on living.

Strong, hungry and thirsty.



© 1999 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Turning Insides

I love it

And I hate it

When things are in the flow

Like Yin & Yang

Do you know what I mean?


The other day, I was talking to a friend

About the full moon

The next night I look up, and the next, and just yesterday too,

The moon is full

In glory


The other day, I wrote a poem

And referred to Lord Of The Flies

And what do you know

Just the other day after that,

On the television I see

Lord Of The Flies


The other day, I listened to a song

I haven’t heard it in years

And then

I’m sitting in the diner to eat

And what do I hear?

That song


The other day, I was driving

Down along the Hudson

I wish I would hear this one song

Or at least a song from this band I know

And you know what happened?

The song I was thinking of

By the band I wanted

Just played on the radio

As I drove along


The other day, I admitted to myself

That I’m quite attracted to those New York City women

Who wear those pointed cow boy hats

It’s such a turn-on

It drives me crazy




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 w/PIP&59@287

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth



It’s my style

Feel the cologne rubbing on my thigh

New wave hair-dos

I wanna be traveling at speed


Passing through, going to the underground

Subway passageway





It’s not my way of life

But I’m committed with my hard work

And saving attitude

Time and Time and Time



To everything, Turn, Turn, Turn





Left foot my bed








Made me deliver for you

The orange man knows



Number six downtown

Mr. Noisy

Mr. Tonight

Ms. Sexy

Ms. Mix



Dollar fifty

I’ll write a letter

My time is worth more than three minutes

Of an eighteen-minute session

Because I’ve just been used




Brush around


I blush

See the big vein pop in my forehead



For come







It’s my swagger

A jack-o-lantern

A red ruby lipstick

Purple added


Red down there





Stainless steal

Took and stole

Drum beat


And passion



On forever











Death to the maids

The cross-dresser vacuum cleaners



I’m bleeding at my side

I took the gun from your bathroom

And now I hold it in front of your face

We hear sirens in the background

I drop to my knees


But No

I’m better than you

With a gun pointed at you

You taught me well

But I’m not you




© 1999 David Greg Harth


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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tuesday & Wednesday

The sun sets and rises with you everyday

Your beauty is burnt into my memory bank

The bank that gets robbed but you are in the safe

Locked in forever


On 8th avenue way, all the men check me out

Look me up and down

Check out my package and cute face

I can get any one of them


Where are the women that ache my heart?

Where do they hide?

When do they want to ‘pick me up?’

Which avenue do they walk on?


Washington Square park is filled with participants

Useful ones that could have confronted camera artists

And celebrity stars I find on thirty four television stations

Including my nude self in central park


Hey, you, yes you -

Pretty one...

If I tell you to meet me in the park

Where the marble arch is

High noon on my grandmothers sabbath

Would you meet me there?


My heart is knotted

Tied and bolted

To platters passed around from blonde to brunette to red to black

From blue eyes to brown eyes to green eyes

   and the grey mystery of my own


I’m coming to New York City

I was born here, there

Post office customers

I’m just a believer with bad credit


Certainty is now still in the concept of a book

That I will never read

So, I guess I don’t know the rules

Maybe you’ll teach, maybe you wont

Maybe I’ll just die in a rocking chair


It’s time to go

Thirst to produce has engulfed my mind

I’ll be inspired by you

Because until I meet you

I won’t be disappointed

Or shot down

Or in an orgasm of truth of my own disbelief



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tired Of Art

I’m tired of art

The lies

The pain

The bullshit

The corporations


The money

The realm

The animals

The courts

The circles


The rich

The poor

The heartbeats

The fakes

The abuse


The sexuality

The performance

I got a phone call

Every little thing is gonna be all right


Now that beauty is in my heart

Even though I realize I’m just dreaming

Perhaps just a wet dream

Or not, I remember grey-haired men

And black-bearded dogs crashing through my window panes


I’m just a piece in the board game

Just pay attention

Watch me grow

Fifteen minutes multiply

We’ll be together

And then I’ll forget you


I love your art

Smakin’ cereal

I’m tired of that art

The art

This art

Their art


Annoyed because you didn’t care

Expressed because who I am, I’m allowed to, I’m permitted

Rejuvenated because of the gallery, the museum, the show, the womyn

In my flame, my heart, my head, my art


Then like a tease in the wind

She comes on to me

Like a tease in the wind

And the night engulfs her, swallows her up

And rapes me of my own dreams

And I’m left with nothing

But my art and I hear Indian music playing

Drum beats

And I see Jesus Christ on the horizon

And I ask him for my forgiveness

For art

Everything for art they tell me

They spend

They erase and take and duplicate and rip-off and cherry-blossom and

virgins and thoughts and tough-guys and homeless and gorgeous and wanna-bes

and anti-Vs and record shops and rainy london gals and new york billies and

downtown billboards and san fran surfers and alaska wives and canadian skies

and concert-goers and builders of pages and destruction stories of my life

come and gone. I still smell her perfume on my wrist.




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 @ 296

New York City

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tired Of The News

I’m tired of the wars that go on

The ones that the politicians create

And the ones that the political bullshitters avoid and put aside.


I’m tired of the famine the disease and the disgusted

People of authority,

Not on their knees

But on their fake oak formica-covered pedestals!


I’m tired of that.

It’s time to change

To wage a war

A revolution

I’m tired that an aritst is judged and can’t have a curly moustache

Or decked in denim or black suede


I’m tired for Dublin and Sarajevo and South Africa

I’m tired of the rap of hatred

And the breed of creed

And terrible sloth of people’s minds


The news of the sick, the poor

The suffering that could be stopped

The billions on defense

While children bleed with moist blisters on their skin

And wake up the next morning

To the flies on their sister’s dead back


I’m tired of the snowfalls the rainfalls the sunny days

That never happen to those in prison

For making a statement

For saving Tibet


I’m tired for those who love me

And nurture me

Just go away

And be yourself

Find out who you are,

Then maybe I can love you


The news of political dicks

In intern mouths

Baby shitters

And Priests claiming children shows

Are gay because of the fuckin color purple


The news of Joey and Bobbit

And how stocks rise and fall

For ebay and amazon

Yet we don’t care about the forests

That people burn in South America

To build better luxury fuckin’ homes for Trump


As middle-aged white america

Gambles their savings away

Instead of investing

In the children of our future

The hope, the research, the medicine


I’m tired of ‘in god we trust’ on my earned money

Tears and injustice, is never heard by the wallet

Pain and agony for freedom, are never praised by suits and ties

White flags and definitions are never held and followed


I’m tired of the media news

About being homogenized, waltmartized, and terrorized

The hollywoods and sport thieves

Robbing fans and not contributing

To the ones lying dead to save their self


I’m tired of Amnesty being not a priority

While M-16s and F-16s are of top quality

Tired of the news brought to me

Through cellular, electronic and television waves

While hundreds and millions wait for airlifts of food


I’m tired of make-believes, the gay-bashing, the KKK

And the White powers, the racist beasts and Jerry Springer representing America

I’m tired of the news from Iraq and Kuwait and nothing about the

41 shots fired upon innocence in Harlem


The news of glory for fight

For travels of spent money

Dinero for diabolos

And 40oz bottles being sold in the hood


The news of child molestation

And musicians being censored with parental-warning labels

The artists not being funded and Bill Gates monopolizing

With Leonardo on tour


I’m tired of the news

Created by the evil of men and womyn

Of hangers in back alleys

White and black fountains

And abuse at the job


I’m tired of skull crackings and rapists

Serial killers and unprofessionals

Of those who do not respect

And the us for raping Native Americans

Of their home and culture


I’m tired

Of those who do not dream


I’m tired of the news.

I can’t believe the news.





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC @ 1515 NYC

With inspirations from Jon Karl Holm

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Taxi Cab Roses



How rude can they get

On my red heart Valentine’s day!?


Their business card advertisement

A little bit of nerve

In my taxi cab car


Dead roses line the seats

The floor

The love that turned to hatred

The love that left the open cab door

And the jazz that made it flow from

Cab driver to cab driver




Not knowing which way to go

To find the unusual ring

Where to cleanse thyself of the sins

I have committed today

Not realizing the ones, I did not admit

All year

All life


About the big one in Times Square

About the bar ones

The rented ones

The video-taped ones


My love is gone

My love that I had

Its dead as a rose

On this pouring rain

Valentine Card

Soaked with salty tears

And semen


Never afraid to cry

And forget the schools that taught so well

The Fall leaves

Of red, orange, brown, and rust

The bearded men

And a few dogs


It’s not about fertility

About the dead roses

In my taxi

My cab

My New York City

Where is Herman now?

Is he married?

Why not seventy-four?




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 9th @ 72nd/57th/42nd/34th/23rd/14th/4th/296 NYC

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