B because I never knew one

B because I never was sleeping

B because I never got lost

B because I never fell in deep


B because it’s a combination

B because it’s a wild roar

B because it’s the sun in the West

B because it’s a reflection


B because I never twisted along

B because I always imagined and hoped

B because I believe

B because I saw her smile


B because it’s real

B because it’s together

B because it’s a portrait

B because it’s about the warmth


B because I never was wrapped

B because I never was washed

B because I never was written

B because I never was willed


BB is an equal, a spirit

A hunted hunter

BB is lost and found

A laughter of captures

BB is tonight, a song

A magnet from the future

A heaven, a self, a crying animal




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC


Intricate Ear

