
Have you ever known anyone that you’ve wanted to kiss, and never gotten the chance to?


I have, Erich Bryan, Kurt Wullschelger, Nate Oborny (I kissed him, but then I was mean to him the next day, fear of rejection, I was so sure that he didn’t like me), Ryan Laurance, Klaus Sanford, Josh Hite (no I kissed him, I just wonder what a relationship with him would be like, I know it wouldn’t last but it might be fun for a while), my dentist, my current studio teacher (that’s against school rules),

Erik Meyer (now this one is WRONG because my besst friend has liked him for a long time, but she’s getting married now, so her loss)


When I was in the fifth grade I went to a school that was only 5th and 6th graders, and all of my friends wanted me to go out with Brad, so I agreed to it, but I didn’t really like him, I liked a 6th grader, Clint Bennet, he was a real loser, but I liked him, until he got on the bus one day with a black eye, (I still liked him a little, but I was a little scared of him) anyway, my friends asked Brad to go out with me, and he said some rude things, of which I don’t remember, must have blocked out of my memory, so, I haven’t thought much of that boy since.


But when I was a junior in high school I liked Andy Smith, and my teacher paired us up (she was a little crazy) we were going to do a video in Spanish, and there were 6 guys in the class and a lot of girls. Well, she paired us up and he yells “anyone but her please anyone but her” and there were some really nasty girls in my Spanish class, but now he’s fat and i wouldn’t ever go out with him, cause he is such a rude little ....


I guess the point is that I’m unlucky in love, but at least the guys who didn’t like me in the past are giving me a second look now.


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City @ 296 New York City




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