
It struck me

As I was leaning against the gas station wall

We're on this road

Traveling together

But I had no idea

Where our destination was

I did not wonder

I wasn’t worried about directions

I wasn’t concerned about routes or boulevards

I wasn’t looking at the compass

And I wasn’t noticing where the shadows fell

We filled the car with gas

We cleaned the windshield free of dirt and bugs

We filled our snack bag with Twinkies and coke and chewing gum

And we admired the low gas prices at this small town gasoline station

The air here is crisp, as if a rainstorm just passed.

I can see rainbow swirls of gasoline in recently birthed puddles

The fresh scent of the pine trees behind the gasoline station infiltrates my nostrils

And you call to me, signaling that you are ready to go, ready to depart, ready to move on

So I leave my leaning position against the gas station wall

Leaving a slick muddy footprint from New York

With keys in my hand I walk towards you

And I asked, “Do you have your keys?”

With your answer,

It struck me,

We’re on this road

Traveling together

But I had no idea

Where our destination was

© 2010 David Greg Harth


So Easily Forgotten

