L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Lost In On And On

Soldiers marching forward

Across the battlefield

A monopoly of mines plague these hills

Shoes soaked from a yearlong sweat

Still, we march on

Dark clouds roll in

A thunder cracks and divides sky from ground

The rumble of drums shamble in the distance

Without warning

I’ve become a martyr without asking


I carry on


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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W, 2006 - 10 David Harth W, 2006 - 10 David Harth

What Must Be Done

Demanded from yesterday

An old oak tree wilts atop the hill

Cold winter came upon us

Set forth this bone chill


Decapitated crow scowls

Thin ice cracks below feet

Dead leaves scatter in the wind

Soulless about to defeat


Distant church bells chime

An echo of sadness sweeps across frozen land

Funeral procession marches

Boat across Styx isn’t even manned


Desolate unknown graves blanket us

Alienated from mother’s womb

Hollow wooden coffins contain us

Vacant heart is sealed in a tomb


Damaged bricks form a facade

Footsteps in mud lead nowhere

Failing to see the door ajar

Plummeting into a spiral of despair


Dangerous falling of fate

Home now; empty of life

Sparse and silent of rhythm

Bled from head to toe with knife


Descent into depths of loneliness

Burned by a beloved’s deception

Nailed by foot, nailed by wrist

Born of immaculate conception


Damned wings are delicate

Ground caught daily tears

Soaked earth flourished

New trees sprout for years



© David Greg Harth


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I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

In Honor

Look carefully at the warrior I have become

Loyal, selfless and true

Back and forth, I am not quite through


I appear before your next inhale

I disappear before you exhale

I am the air you breathe

I am the wind that carries you


I elapse time between you

I create history beside you


I am the ground that rattles beneath your feet

I am the battle that rages in your heart

I am your unconscious decision


I will reveal my destruction and courage

My addiction, dedication and strong will



It is my destiny, my passion, my instruction

I am noble, brave, and fearless


I am exiled from your world

Filled with power, I come in death

I defy categorization, gravity, and emotion.

I conquer your heart, and become your love


I protect the innocent

Care for the aged

I spawn the non-existent

Cherish the forgotten


I pass through inanimate objects

Drift above cloudy skies

And in a moment’s time

I am gone without a trace



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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A, 2006 - 10 David Harth A, 2006 - 10 David Harth


This is a poem, a note, a letter, a declaration to all those who have been alone.

I want you to know, that I’ve been alone too. I’ve been there. To that darkest region. To that deepest part. To the edge. Where its only you. Where nothing is left.


I want you to know that I’ve been alone. And when you are alone, I am alone with you.


I want you to know, that when you’ve stood on that subway platform, contemplating your slight bend forward. Contemplating if your entire body will spin when the train hits your head or if your body will fall off balance and onto the tracks. Contemplating if its better to jump long before the train reaches you or to jump right when it’s in front of you. Debating if you’ll only get a concussion or if you truly will end it all.


I want you to know, that when you’ve done all the research. When you’ve figured out a way to purchase a gun or to get a hold of a gun. I want you to know, that when you’ve finally reached that point. When you are sitting alone. And only you and a winter cascade or summer breeze encompasses what’s left of your life. When you sit with the gun in your lap and you debate if you’ll pull the trigger of the gun with the barrel in your mouth or aside your temple. I want you to know, that when you are alone at the moment, I’ve been alone with you.


I want you to know, that when you’ve been to the base of a large bridge. When you figured out a pathway to reach the highest point. When you calculated the time it would take to get up on top. When you realized you’d have to wear layers of clothing to make sure you’d be warm enough on top to have a collective thought to jump. I want you to know if you’ve made it to the bridge’s end. And you were looking up. Just about to climb. And you thought nothing was left. No hope, no love, no friends, no enemies. When nothing but water surrounded your echo below. I want you to know that when you are alone at that moment, I’ve been with you.


I want you to know, that when you’ve had a knife near. When you’ve rid yourself of a mobile phone. When you’ve swallowed the car key after you’ve driven yourself out to a remote area. When there was no direction and no exit. When you were about to gorge yourself. So your pain was so vivid you’d hope you’d wake up from the nightmare of life. And at that very moment you pick up and carry on. And walk forever to the nearest hospital to only lie to them why you’ve swallowed a car key.  I want you to know, when you are alone then, I am with you. Alone.


I want you to know, that when you’ve been washing your clothes at weeks end and you realized that the gasoline will never come out and you’ll have to buy a new favorite shirt. When you realize it’s not the smartest option to execute your own death in your favorite clothes. When you realize it’s harder to burn oneself alive than most other methods. When you sat alone, covered in gasoline with a match nearby. When all was silent around you but the terrible pain in your heart continued to beat a fateful drum. When you were alone then, I was with you.


I want you to know, that each, method of suicide that you thought of, I probably thought of too. When you are alone, I am alone. And when I am alone, perhaps I’ll get a letter from you. And our bullets will fall like hidden angels to the ground, clanking as they hit the pavement.


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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O, 2006 - 10 David Harth O, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Opa (Version #6)

The phone was ringing.

I heard it from the other room.

I ran to pick it up.

I thought I'd get it in time.

I only heard it ring four times.

I picked it up.

You weren't there.


© David Greg Harth

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H, 2006 - 10 David Harth H, 2006 - 10 David Harth

How We Fall

Starts with one taking note

Of the other’s reproduction

Of the other’s seduction


Starts with one taking notice

Of the other’s stride

Of the other’s narcissistic pride


Starts with one taking notation

Of the other’s plump lips

Of the other’s curved hips


Starts with a symphony

An exchange of climactic harmony

Starts with a sail set free in the wind

A tryst where two have truly sinned


Continues with a gaze at beautiful eyes

A trace of fingers on soft thighs

Continues with midnight calls

Until finally heaven’s rain falls


It’s how we fall

Like a river running wild

Like a mother bearing child


It’s how we fall

Like an exploding volcanic eruption

Like a heart free of corruption


It’s how we fall

When your soul becomes my soul

And my soul becomes your soul

We have fallen



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

I See Your Name

I see your name

Come and go

Come and go








In passing, On the list

Come and go

Come and go


But that’s just it.

You are only a name now.

Not a person.



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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U, 2006 - 10 David Harth U, 2006 - 10 David Harth


In the darkest midnight hour

Under the cover of blackness


Beneath the full moon’s scattered fingerprints

Drowned out by the rumble of approaching thunder


In the shadows of love’s past

Hidden among the forgotten and lost


Muffled by an echoed plea

Silenced with a concealed drum


Behind the defensive guard

Soldiers regroup and reload



The wall goes up.



Thick ropes are pulled

Iron gates are lowered


Water is emptied from the moat

Replaced with molten lava


Last chariots are escorted across

Bridges are destroyed


Staircases crumble to the ground

Ladders are burned to ashes


Catapults are dismantled

Instruments of flight are demolished



The wall goes up.



Released from the chamber

Now escorted back


Through violent storms

Through raging seas


To the frozen tundra

To the deepest depth below


Far below the obtainable surface

Far beyond the foreseeable future


Stolen and broken it was

Stronger and thicker it has become



The wall goes up.




© 2010 David Greg Harth

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A, 2006 - 10 David Harth A, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Attacking The Eaten

As if there was something left on their bones

We scurried to them

Their piles of bones so crisp and bare

We felt so famished and close to our own death

We were motivated to find one lasting piece

A little chunk of flesh left for us to eat

But nothing was there for us

Just bones and bones and bones and bones


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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S, 2006 - 10 David Harth S, 2006 - 10 David Harth

So Easily Forgotten

I was whisked

Uplifted and uprooted

That tornado came pounding at my door

No matter how I denied its entry

It still entered with such commanding force

Powerful to knock me from my stable stance

Spin me hundreds of feet into the air

Landing miles away from my origin


Now at a different location

With no sense of home

And no direction

No one knows my name

And no one recognizes my face

I am forgotten


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth


It struck me

As I was leaning against the gas station wall

We're on this road

Traveling together

But I had no idea

Where our destination was

I did not wonder

I wasn’t worried about directions

I wasn’t concerned about routes or boulevards

I wasn’t looking at the compass

And I wasn’t noticing where the shadows fell

We filled the car with gas

We cleaned the windshield free of dirt and bugs

We filled our snack bag with Twinkies and coke and chewing gum

And we admired the low gas prices at this small town gasoline station

The air here is crisp, as if a rainstorm just passed.

I can see rainbow swirls of gasoline in recently birthed puddles

The fresh scent of the pine trees behind the gasoline station infiltrates my nostrils

And you call to me, signaling that you are ready to go, ready to depart, ready to move on

So I leave my leaning position against the gas station wall

Leaving a slick muddy footprint from New York

With keys in my hand I walk towards you

And I asked, “Do you have your keys?”

With your answer,

It struck me,

We’re on this road

Traveling together

But I had no idea

Where our destination was

© 2010 David Greg Harth

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N, 2006 - 10 David Harth N, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Waking up in July has new meaning

I wasn’t expecting to break out of this dreaming


I’ve been with blue and I’ve been with brown

But in your ever-changing hazel I could certainly drown


I’ve been one to write a poem or a lengthy letter

But times like this are so rare, they are so much better


I’ve never started like this at ease

Who knew that you had the keys?


I’ve alerted the sun and I’ve alerted the moon

Each is primed to inspire as I look forward to spoon


I’ve been learning and I’ve been listening

Growing closer, I cancelled my waiting


I’ve even put cupid on hold

As these feelings begin to unfold


I’ve been known to run or duck or dive

But for this one, I’m willing to let it thrive


I’ve never been prepared for such a glow

It is this one I will cherish its grand flow


I’ve opened the door

Now ajar, yearning for more


Waking up in August is missing

It is you that I miss kissing



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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H, 2006 - 10 David Harth H, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Happiness (Happiness on the Avenue)

I didn’t know happiness

Until the day I met you

In fact, it wasn’t the day I met you

But perhaps the 2nd day I met you

We were walking up the Avenue

I glanced over at you

And that smile of yours

Smiling and laughing at something I said

That’s when I discovered happiness

Everything before that, that wasn’t happiness

You -

You are happiness


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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A, 2006 - 10 David Harth A, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Another Day Has Descended Upon Us

My journey was long

From earth’s end

Through raging fires and horrid winds

Through endless seas and darkened skies

But I came forth

Out from the capturing forests

Out from the suicidal cliffs

Out from the swallowing deserts


I came forth

Because I heard your call

Your voice of reason

Your soft whisper

Your echoed song



Time is beginning to stand still

World’s rotation is coming to a stop

Everything is shifting, twisting and turning

But now that you are here

Everything makes sense

Everything matches

Everything is synching


This day is here

And this day shall not be forgotten



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Nameless creature of the earth

She is a Goddess presented before me

More than a decade of existence is one of many barriers

Not to mention the vertical erectness of limited time

Summer is upon us and soon the wind will carry her away

Again, I am not sure


The golden light has shined on her feet

Engulfing her steps from each point of departure and arrival

Where she walks, flowers bloom

Where she gazes, animals are born

She is a Goddess without name

Her eyes are poisonous to the glare

Testosterone fueled men drop to their knees in her wake

Mother earth is jealous of her beauty

Her passion makes the sun and moon dance with envy


It is certain, it has been said, and it shall remain as so

As the man I am, the man I once was,

As the man I have become, and the man who I will be,

I am not allowed to know her name

For she, the Goddess in golden light

Is a nameless beauty forever out of reach


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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T, 2006 - 10 David Harth T, 2006 - 10 David Harth

There Is A Helicopter In My Pocket

After being scolded I sit isolated

In the corner of the room

I’ve been forever alone

Ever since coming out of the womb


I sit there quietly waiting

With nothing to reveal

Patiently with no words spoken

From life I file for a repeal


My pockets are empty

Not even a hint of last week’s lint

With inquisitive blue eyes

I began to squint


Anticlimactic stories overshadow

Not even I, in a lover’s quarrel

Letting my possessions be my climax

For you, a fifty-dollar oral


Contemplating yesterday’s dreams

Among piles of discarded X’s hearts

Kissing many leads into an abyss of nowhere

I diagram, I plot, I’m making my charts


Sailing the uncharted seas

These pockets vacant for your nest

Wind carries me forward afloat

Dime-less in function, I am put to the test


Hands covered in dirty graphite

Burying every minute of my conviction

Weapons known; discoveries unexplored

Back on my knees, it is my addiction



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Lost You

It’s been several years since we last spoke.

I remember that night vividly.

A phone call earlier, a knock at the door later.

I remember losing you.

I remember each day,

what life is like without you in it.

You are long gone, with an earlier departure.


At times I feel like I can’t function.

Sometimes I have a hard time breathing.

Often things that came naturally to me,

no longer do.

I find it hard to focus and concentrate.

I miss you so much.

I don’t know what to say.

But when I hear your voice,

in my head,

I can’t help but cry myself to sleep,


without you.



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Last Wish

Before he came to me

Before I walked my last walk

Down the long corridor to nowhere

I lowered myself to my knees

And I asked you for the granting

Of one last wish


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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J, 2006 - 10 David Harth J, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Jamaica Liberation Movement (JLM)

You don’t need much;

A good job, a roof over your head, some food.

Is that Jesus I see at the subway door?

Or is that Che? Or Daniel from yesterday?


I’m joining the Jamaica Liberation Movement

It’s something you should know about

As I begin to rid myself of these possessions

No longer needed and no longer necessary


I’m disposing of all the ones not in use

No sense to have them with me

Even the Volvo must go

It’s better I work for the district

And see the shows

From the Brighton Beach Q

From Afghanistan’s long ass haul


I’m joining the Jamaica Liberation Movement

And I’m not coming home

I’ll be gone forever

Even with broken glass knocking at my door

My back turned, I won’t turn into Middle East seasoning


You don’t have to trust me, take my word, or make any promises

A good listener always finds the faults

Who is to blame? Who takes responsibility?

With no one answering these questions, they exist unanswered


I’ve joined the Jamaica Liberation Movement. The JLM.

From Valeria of Panama to Cuba’s hope.

From the injustice of my Brooklyn streets

To President Obama’s incompetence

My laughter is here now, my pain is here now


I’ve joined the JLM. I’m not coming back. I’m not coming home.

You don’t need much;

Just a good job, just a roof over your head, just some food.


© 2010 David Greg Harth

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T, 2006 - 10 David Harth T, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Two Eggs

On the last day of my arrival

It was cold out, frigid

The Bronx air made tears roll down

Wind would cusp my wishes

Snow lined the streets

Procession marched just last week


An empty apartment before me

Decades of nothing now gone

Everything once was so magnificent

So real, so vivid, so warm,

Like a fireplace behind the hearth


No one to phone,

To check the status, to bring in the new

Or to alarm about early departure

No one to slip five, no one to eat lunch

No one to wave goodbye, no one to sleep


Alone with no one

No father, no sister

I reach for the door one last time

I see two hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator door


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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