In Honor

Look carefully at the warrior I have become

Loyal, selfless and true

Back and forth, I am not quite through


I appear before your next inhale

I disappear before you exhale

I am the air you breathe

I am the wind that carries you


I elapse time between you

I create history beside you


I am the ground that rattles beneath your feet

I am the battle that rages in your heart

I am your unconscious decision


I will reveal my destruction and courage

My addiction, dedication and strong will



It is my destiny, my passion, my instruction

I am noble, brave, and fearless


I am exiled from your world

Filled with power, I come in death

I defy categorization, gravity, and emotion.

I conquer your heart, and become your love


I protect the innocent

Care for the aged

I spawn the non-existent

Cherish the forgotten


I pass through inanimate objects

Drift above cloudy skies

And in a moment’s time

I am gone without a trace



© 2010 David Greg Harth


What Must Be Done

