Mistaken Love

Remembering you draped in shades of red

I stand tall, I stand straight

Down hills, sloped, hard, rocky

I bend, I step, I climb, I fall

You hit me with your rattle

Up again, hit once more


Step after step, I get to the top

And spiral downwards

Helpless, you occupy my heart entirely

Your whispers enchant my dreams

I tumble, I stall, I halt


Crying in the corner

I peer out, I watch the others

They dance around the fire

Touching, reaching high

Stars light the night sky


She closed the door

I realize now what I need

I knock and follow the path once more

Nothing in sight, signs point in directions


My hair turns grey, white

The lure holds me near

I kiss her wet lips

Shattered, I’m awake



© 2008 David Greg Harth


At The Albrechtshof


I Always Hear People, But I Never See People