Orange Grandfather

I got a box of oranges in the mail today.

Special delivery from out of state.

My Grandpa Bob sent me some more oranges.

I always found it funny.

He lived in Florida.

I live in New York.

We have oranges in grocery stores here in New York.

But he always sent the oranges from Florida.

As a kind gesture.

A gesture of his love.

When he would phone me, he would often say “This is Florida calling.”

I’m not sure when the Queens-transplanted-Floridian became a state.

I remember him having big ears, a big belly, a big white beard and a big red car.

He may have died a couple of weeks ago.

But he still sent me oranges from Florida.

I just got a box today.


© 2008 David Greg Harth


Twelfth of March


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