The Romance In Suicide

Something must be said

About the wonderful calm feeling you must have

About the sensation you feel deep within

About the goose bumps that engulf your body’s surface


Something must be said

About the comfort you feel

About the off switch finally shut one last time

About the plug being pulled forever


Something must be said

About the last poetic moment of life

About the last breath taken

About the last word whispered


Something must be said

About the last sight witnessed

About the last salty tear tasted

About the last scent carried through


Something must be said

About the last reflection seen

About the last contemplated decision

About the last recalled memory


Something must be said

Before you twist the rope around your neck

Before you dive into the cold waters of the bay

Before you pull the revolver’s trigger


Something must be said

Nothing said; Nothing done

Something done; Nothing said

Something must be said



© 2009 David Greg Harth


The Romance In Suicide (Version #2)

