Velvet Fingers

I part your wet lips with my fingers

Enter your moist mouth

Inserting my fingers

Playing with your tongue

Around and around

Different patterns

Different strokes


My strong fingers

Teasing and pulling at your tongue

The inner walls of your mouth

Feel like velvet to my fingers

You swirl your tongue around them

And your body tenses

I can feel the heat emanate from your mouth

Wetness surrounding

Your muscles grabbing onto my fingers

Pulling me inwards


With every stroke

I make you quiver

And your tongue stands erect

Against my index finger

Stroking the 1 O’clock position of your tongue

Flicking it

Over and over


I see your eyes fade back

They shutter and you begin to smile

Your ankles tense

Your nipples perk

As you know I near with my mouth

To your lips

My devilish tongue

About to take the place of my fingers

On your lips

And the insides of your mouth...



© 2002 David Greg Harth


New Orleans, Definitely, On the 15th


Armpit Love