2011 - 15, V David Harth 2011 - 15, V David Harth

The Violent Heart




Out of control

Chaotic spin

Fall to the ground

Can’t get back up on your feet

Drowned in constant sorrow

Letting the quicksand swallow you alive

No pat on the back

Or job well done

No congratulatory exclamation

Or greeting card mailed

Another life wasted

With roads ahead

Forks not decided

With open ports

And sails down


Exiting the room

Like a ghost through the door

© 2015 David Greg Harth

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V, 2011 - 15 David Harth V, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Vanishing Point

At my grandfather’s burial

His coffin was draped with the American flag

And two military officers played taps

It was a brutally frigid day

The coldness made my bones rattle

Made my spine take a back seat

I remember reading the eulogy

And crying

He’s vanished now

Even before he got to meet you


© 2011 David Greg Harth

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V, 2006 - 10 David Harth V, 2006 - 10 David Harth


She’s pointing downward south

I salivate excess in my mouth


I follow her lead, I follow her voice

My reasoning is certain, not a choice


Drifting towards me, she surrounds me with her scent

From faraway hemisphere, I begin my descent


In good hope she captivates my entity whole

It was my heart she quietly stole


Ground below me shook and shattered

On this earth nothing but true love mattered


Seas parted and waves crashed

From ocean’s divide, beginnings splashed


So, it was said, so it was done

The new journey has begun


Jumping across the world’s largest pond

Two hearts so close, magnets fear our bond


I come from a far, she is so very near

They lined up for hours to witness this very premiere


I’ll row us to shore, with enchantment in tow

Midnight moon will shed its nightly glow


Wind delivers a knock at your door

A curious cure is here and so much more


Thunder rumbles in contemplation

Next stop is divine station


Storybook tale will be distinguished

Our fire will never be extinguished


Your beauty deafens my existence

Our connection is of utmost consistence


Battle of dreams and realism discovered

Imagination proven; those sheets uncovered



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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V, 2006 - 10 David Harth V, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Virgin Eyes

China Seas

Autumn Leaves

Parachute trooper down on his knees

My heart he will fully seize


Secrecy is among intruder’s invasion

Welded hands together on sunset’s occasion

Madame of no persuasion

Her thighs have a telling abrasion


Blind man sees a reflection

Blooms in the ninth direction

My love is an infection

Last year’s rear inspection


Gotham bells ring

Choir of four sing

Black dove breaks a wing

Elephant imported from Beijing


Dedicated fidelity to you

Nerves of long pig are blue

The twisted tongue is true

I’m son of Sioux


Honesty ripped

History buried in the crypt

Life’s unwritten script

Canvas now stripped


Mediterranean’s East

Six year’s feast

Analyzed by master of the priest

Love will always be released


Unlock the purpose, open the door

From somnolence I lived once more

Vehement man of war

Hear me now, hear me roar!



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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V, 2006 - 10 David Harth V, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Everyone knows it

They know the facts

I can’t hide the truth

I’m a Vaginatarian.

It’s an ongoing problem I have.

Like a drug, it’s my fix.

I need it more and more.

I need it now and need it later.

Because I’m a Vaginatarian.

This disease will never be cured.

It’s not a preference, but a must

- a reality.

Like blood in my veins

And oxygen in my lungs.

I need that vagina so much

Because I’m a Vaginatarian.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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V, 2006 - 10 David Harth V, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Vomit (Version #2)

I was riding along

On the downtown number 6 train

Riding along

On the subway

From uptown to downtown

When all of a sudden

A woman

Vomited on the subway floor

People scattered

Away from their seated positions

And left the area

As if it were a crime scene

Or toxic waste dump

The people left the woman

Left the situation

The people escaped the human catastrophe

They left the subway car

To seek refuge on the platform or next car

They left the woman

To her own

I could not understand this

I could not contemplate

Where is the humanity?

I got up

Walked over to the woman

Clearly in discomfort




I walked up to her

Handed her some napkins

Asked her if she was okay

Asked her if she needed help

Asked her if she needed anything

She took my napkins

And thanked me for the care

I do not understand human beings

Why run when someone is in that situation instead of help?



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth


You are nothing,

and you are everything.


You present yourself,

while being speechless.


You live while being dead,

and you are motionless to one’s eye.


I cannot see you,

but I can witness you.


I cannot touch you,

but I can feel you.


I cannot hear you,

but I can listen to your sounds.


People skip you.

They ignore you.

They don’t know that you exist.


People laugh at you.

They don’t understand you.

They can’t comprehend your concept.


People walk inside of you.

They walk around you.

They walk right by you.


Invisible before the viewer,

Visible after they have left.


Daring vision

Concealed creation.


Magnificently invisible,

Defying the visible.



© 2005 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Valentine’s Day Purchase

This Valentine’s Day

I did not have to purchase

Flowers or Chocolates

Diamonds or Lingerie

400 Thread Count Sheets

Or A Fancy New York Dinner

All I had to purchase,

Like every Valentine’s Day,

Every year,

Is a new heart,

To replace my constant broken heart

To replace my heart that aches

    every day to be in love.



© 2005 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Visiting Death

I picked up a hitch hiker

on route 303

passing the cement factory

and quarry

and all the huge dumping vehicles


I picked him up

took him where he was going

only to discover

after the rain showed itself

that I’m in the trunk of my own car

wrapped in a black plastic bag




© 2004 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth


She’s just a visitor

visiting my life

just for a moment


She’s just a visitor

visiting from over seas

out of town for today


She’s just passing through

passing on by

a passenger waving


She’s just passing through

traveling in distance

being parted by envelopes


She’s just an executor

beating the shield and drum

while carrying the cotton flag


She’s just an executor

with a job left undone

leaving behind a swallowed carcass


She’s just a discarder

not aligning mirrored reflections

or portraying evil sunsets


She’s just a discarder

from 80’s descent

with Grandma’s eyes


She’s just a visitor

with intentions unjust

and phallic fruit


She’s just a visitor

of the inevitable kind

attached to the transistor



© 2004 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth


You asked me to leave it alone

To let it be

Just let it go

I did

And now we are both left with nothing

No answers

No hopes

No questions




© 2003 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I call her,

            my virgin

My little


Everything she does

            is oh,

            so nice



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Velvet Fingers

I part your wet lips with my fingers

Enter your moist mouth

Inserting my fingers

Playing with your tongue

Around and around

Different patterns

Different strokes


My strong fingers

Teasing and pulling at your tongue

The inner walls of your mouth

Feel like velvet to my fingers

You swirl your tongue around them

And your body tenses

I can feel the heat emanate from your mouth

Wetness surrounding

Your muscles grabbing onto my fingers

Pulling me inwards


With every stroke

I make you quiver

And your tongue stands erect

Against my index finger

Stroking the 1 O’clock position of your tongue

Flicking it

Over and over


I see your eyes fade back

They shutter and you begin to smile

Your ankles tense

Your nipples perk

As you know I near with my mouth

To your lips

My devilish tongue

About to take the place of my fingers

On your lips

And the insides of your mouth...



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Valentine’s Day

Didn’t pull the trigger

Because I know you are breathing

Just around the corner

Just not in my bed, under these cold warm sheets....



© 2002 David Greg Harth @ 296NYC

Valentine’s Day

Read More
V, 2001 - 05 David Harth V, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Vagina Spy

I am the Vagina Spy

Let me come and spy on you

Let me come and spy on your vagina

Don’t like the word vagina?

Too bad, I’m the Vagina Spy!

And I’ve come here to spy on your vagina!


I am the Vagina Spy

Let me come inside

Let me open up and see

I’ve come to spy on you

Because I am the Vagina Spy


I am the Vagina Spy

Let me whisper secrets to you

Let me do a code red

I’m going to spy on you

With my magnify glass

With my props and tools


I am the Vagina Spy

I’m ready to spy on you

Open your lips and let me see

I see you under those sheets

I see your vagina

Because I am the Vagina Spy


I am the Vagina Spy

Let me introduce myself

I’ll spy on your vagina

Up and down

Around and round

Because I am the Vagina Spy



© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City

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V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I vomit during the day

I vomit during the night

I vomit in my dreams

I vomit on the land


We rolled around

In that orange and green

In that yellow and brown

In that neon blue


We rolled around

Horsed around

Fooled around

I punctured her skin

With my stick

We had a fuck

In that vomit

Vomit all around

Puke on myself

She puked on me

And then I on her


I vomit during the day

I vomit during the night

I vomit on her hands

I vomit on her payment


We paid each other

Went our ways

I never saw her again

But I have a trail of vomit

Leading down to my cock

And now I’m going

And I’ll puke some more

Vomit some more

And smell the stench

In my dreams



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ In my dreams PMSMCA

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V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth



I cry myself

I weep

Into the depths

of my own circular patterns

of sleepless midnights


I crawl into the bed

Not knowing

If I will wake up

the very next day

after the pain I have caused

and the pain I have absorbed





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296NYC

Read More
V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A Virgin

Oh my god, I did not tell you what happened with that cab driver I

went with last night.  I thought I was going to be possibly kidnapped,

DEFINITELY raped and possibly killed.  He was just basically telling

me how he and his fiancé never had sex and that he is worried about

the first time.  It was an arranged proposal by his mother and he has

yet to see the fiancé.  From this he is asking me about his first

experience to come such as if she is going to bleed a lot or a little and

should he continue or stop and if he does not stick it in the whole

way is it considered sex still and if I had a boyfriend and how my

first time was so I told him that you were my boyfriend and that we

never had sex.  I told him I was still a virgin and he was SO happy.

I was hoping telling him I was a virgin would make him more

compassionate about raping me if that was his intentions.  I figured

that would make him wait to take a slut instead or at least someone

“experienced”.  Anyway..his cell phone rang and I sat in silence for

the remainder of the way.





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

New York City

Read More
V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth

The Victim

who’s the victim?


I am.

You are.

The lion is.

The bastard is.

The love couch is.

The battered wife.

The fat kid.


I am.

You are.

The president is.

The tree is.

The ground is.

The food is.


Last night was.

She is.

My mother is.

My sister was.

Your lover will be.


I am.

You are.

Today will be.

The operator.

The listener.

The controller.


I am.

You are.

She is.

He is.

The inventor.

The consumer.

The watcher.

The walker.


Saturday & Sunday.

The midnight blues

The screen above

The ocean below

The thunder distance

The headlight under


The round corner

The leap

The current; electrified

The peg

The bird

I am.

You are.

The candle burning

The paper wasting

The weight holding

The tight rope


I am; you are... always.

I am.

One of them.



With or...

It’s time to go,

I have realized it

That I am a victim

Of abuse and loneliness

Of selfishness and pain

Of murder and draught

Of politics and art

Of love and hatred

Of rape and death

Of slavery and racism

Of sexism and complications


Of numbers

and letters

Of signs

and signatures

Of meadows

and pastures

Of priests

and food poisoning.


I am the victim.

I always was, always will be.

I am the one,

the one that “they”

are looking for.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Well, there is

This one

And that one

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


That version is the best

It feels good, looks good, is good

That version is the best


Well, some are odd

Some are evil

And some do not work

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


That version is the best

It is like a glorious sunset

Or two love birds chirping

Or a butterfly’s pattern

That version is the best


Some of them break me

Some of them make me weak

Or can even kill me

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


It is like fire

Wind and water

A tornado of lust

A hurricane that sweeps you away

Off your feet, to new heavens

And new worlds


That version is the best

The one I’m in

The one I live for

The one I lay beside

Run to and find

The one I cherish and hold

That version is the best


Like a candle

Erect in position

Sturdy of nature

Blessing at whole

That version is the best

And that is the one I love most

The one I’m in



Through jokes and laughs

Tears and pain

Through heights and lows

Mirrors and horrors

Through tunnels and valleys

Mountains and clouds

Through deserts and oceans

Jungles and plains

That version is the best


The version that is best

That is the one I love

The version I’m in

Is the one I love

That version

Is always the best for me

Because I am in it

And they are not




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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