
You are nothing,

and you are everything.


You present yourself,

while being speechless.


You live while being dead,

and you are motionless to one’s eye.


I cannot see you,

but I can witness you.


I cannot touch you,

but I can feel you.


I cannot hear you,

but I can listen to your sounds.


People skip you.

They ignore you.

They don’t know that you exist.


People laugh at you.

They don’t understand you.

They can’t comprehend your concept.


People walk inside of you.

They walk around you.

They walk right by you.


Invisible before the viewer,

Visible after they have left.


Daring vision

Concealed creation.


Magnificently invisible,

Defying the visible.



© 2005 David Greg Harth


Going Down (Version #2)


Head First