N, 2006 - 10 David Harth N, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Nowhere Exodus

Slowly, slight tilt of the head

Slowly, wooden door ajar


Something isn’t right

I’m trying to love you

I’m trying with everything I’ve got

Still, not enough


Slowly, let go of the thread

Slowly, healing my scar


Something isn’t right

I’m trying to listen

I’m trying to hear the words you speak

Still, not heard


Slowly, rising out of bed

Slowly, following the North Star


Something isn’t right

I’m trying to confront

I’m trying with all my ability

Still, never moving


Slowly, beyond the coast I tread

Slowly, waters rise above my head



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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R, 2006 - 10 David Harth R, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Reluctant Heart



Bellowing deep below the earth’s crust

Carnivores and whores

Of all nations, creed and blood


They form in lines

So far as the fifth eye can see

Lining up, center straight


With teeth that scrape side’s post

They scratch, they etch

Leave their name, leave their mark


Private sales, one week at a time

Entering the common man’s lift

To be hidden in cloaks of emperor’s past


Institution’s possession

Difference only by technique and wealth

Each labeled in a jar on a shelf





Be forth

Forbidden path, road unlike the former trinity

Passage of light now seen by known


On the length of moon’s night

A sparrow’s song silenced

Thorns removed from their keeper’s position


Even thy enemies venerate her

Revealing innocent vulnerability

All mend their exhausted time frames


Exchanged in torridness

Captured at dawn’s rise

Now fertile with unexpected seed


Embark on your odyssey

Take the howling winds ahead

Question nothing but the sea’s roar





Voyage hesitant of momentum

Calming calls abandoned, echoed against walls

Secrets confessed in the widow’s room


Opening to the great abyss

Void now filled with pillars of salt

Stolen and still


Sinking to the bottom, the deep

Voiceless creatures howl

All is quiet, vacant and unheard


Uncertain of compass’ direction

Opposing outcome destined

Confined to one’s vault of desolation


Witness deceased aging with disease

Not a fatal thrust of a stone dagger can please

Enduring a grand death, brought to thy knees





© 2009 David Greg Harth

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Z, 2006 - 10 David Harth Z, 2006 - 10 David Harth


No options, no picks

No choices, no delicacies

Zero to have

Zero to hold

Nothing, never, no, nope negative, zilch, not here, gone now, absent

Why ask?


Take In, Take Out, Cook In, Cook Out

Refresh, Reheat, Retake, Return

Balanced, no

Cooked, no

Frozen, no

Nothing, yes


Zero options

No choices, no picks, no delicacies

Strike, on

No alternatives, no splendid verdict, no decision

No preparation, no quick skills, no mouth watering

Headache, on

Coffee, on

Coffee, piss

Coffee, smell

Zero, on

Zero options

Zero eats

Coffee, on

© 2009 David Greg Harth


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I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Warriors roar

Engage at the line

Attacking opposites

Competing for tyranny

Bludgeoned carcasses thrown

Blood soaked soil enriched

Barren fields left unattended

Common battle is extinct

Wounds heal no more

Pumping chambers vacant constant

With a sword of many

Reflection becomes absent

Known as an unfilled void

Only with scriptures from the land

Return as a heavenly secret from the serpent’s tongue

Gather and mourn the defeated

Conflict has ended

Soldier departed

© 2009 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Elbows In My Knees

These bones

These bones

These over ground fixtures



            out of print junctures


Complicated architecture

Swam that archipelago

My name is Michelangelo


Wife is an archer

Protest marcher

Molesting preacher

Heroic teacher



These bones

These bones

These problem solvers

            hand held revolvers

            soul survivors

            deep sea divers


Spread solvents

Innocent adolescents

Censored advertisements


Identity notarized

America terrorized

Keeping on my eyes

I’ve been dehumanized



These bones

These bones

These left overs

            push overs

            under covers

            community lovers


Liquid dykes

Mathematical hikes

Mystery nights


Silent secret protected

I was the last to be selected

Mirage reflected

With no fault, erected



These bones

These bones

These dark clothes

            dirty hoes

            friend and foes

            eagle’s nest, street crows


Obscene gestures

Earned tenures

Digging caterpillars


Nuclear rockets in the sky

Earth’s shadow – magnify

Innocent claiming “Oh My!”

Standing tall, do or die



These bones

These bones

            These mighty bones!



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth


I purchased four (4) Francis Bacon postcards today

at The Metropolitan Museum of Art


The total of the purchase was $5.86

I gave the cashier $11.01

She said to me “You gave me eleven dollars”

I said “Yes, you’ll see what happens.”

She gave me a five-dollar bill, a dime, and nickel as change.


Why are cashiers stupid?


I’d rather have a five dollar bill, a dime, and a nickel

then four dollar bills, a dime, and 4 pennies.



Why are cashiers stupid?



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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G, 2006 - 10 David Harth G, 2006 - 10 David Harth

The Great Fall

Speeds unknown

No passenger stops

Drop off points

Never refueling


Passing torch

Growing up

Burning ideas

Exhausting breath


Forward thinking

Throttle pushed

Helpful hints

War treaties


Kissing ahead

Making secure

Holding tight

Aging fast


No turning back

Rewriting books

No rewinding history

Only falling fast



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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O, 2006 - 10 David Harth O, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Harlem streets

Holocaust massacres

Montreal North

Montana West


Fresh cut hair

And fresh cut grass

Hungry for death

And can’t bear to fast


Half of me taken

Snakes beneath a child’s bed

Followed your footsteps to hell

It was you who led


In fields of skeletons

Lovemaking, crafting, and dying

The excavator found me

Exhausted of loneliness, I am trying


Reborn in a cocoon of thought

Beginnings end near

Bypass in two weeks’ time

I have landed, I am here


Beyrouth streets

Deconstructing division walls

Tripoli South

Tokyo East


He calls my name from shadows

I’m ready with black ink

Hailing to him I raise my holy cup

We are one and ready to drink


Called from heaven, called for prayer

Messages left inside love’s shrine

History tells of legends past

Read my scans and puncture my spine


Bring out the audience

Raise the musty blood-red curtain

Announce the deceased famous

Devil birds by the sea are quite certain


Chapters end and sentences depart

Stories passed on for generations

Borders out of control, compass spinning

Painting dictators of all the great nations


New York streets

Living for nine lives more

41.373223, -74.304438

Over and over, beyond the 12th floor



© 2009 David Greg Harth


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#, 2006 - 10 David Harth #, 2006 - 10 David Harth

14 Inches Deep

Locked me to the core

Mortared bricks with your name

Garden’s poisonous offering


Climbed up on top of you

For inspiration and fame

In black tie and hunger strike


Rolled down your skin

Got back up, rolled the same

Summer’s heat became an intruder


Transients come and go

Foreign tongues unevenly tame

Slithering down your inside corridors


Descending – ascending traffic

Constructing territories, marking claim

Leaving remnants along your slabs


Gathering of photographic thieves

Meat banquet, witnessing game

Hearing swallowing voices, sitting once more



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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S, 2006 - 10 David Harth S, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Swiftly moving

In this underground galaxy

Beneath rivers of imports

And solid granite rock

In long metal cans

Conditioned with cold air

Stuffy urine sweat

Or wet dogs of August heat


I travel to and from

Among every color and background

With Puerto Ricans, Koreans and Indians

With Germans, Greeks, and Chinese

With Christians, Muslims and Jews

With punks, preps and beauty queens


Each shade of a person

Next to me

I’m the minority

On these orange seats of paradise


We are all in transit

Dressed in black

Or the monk’s cloth

Short skirts and platforms

Or jeans below the knees

In our suits and ties

And grandmother mothballs

In our Yankee caps

And Cole, Karan and Klein

Reading, jiving and gazing

Writing, listening, and sleeping


We ride at night

And sunrise must

We travel for dollars

Five borough hollers


This is my New York City

My journey, my home



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Last Call

At my dying end

 My last minute

 My breath exhaling one last time


At this moment

  Before earth takes me whole

  Before sunlight cast’s my lonely shadow

  Before my whispers are memories


It is you I wish to have hovering above me

  To shed your tears onto mine

It is your voice I wish to hear

  Sing our celebrated song

It is your touch I wish to feel

  Hold my hand until I go


At this moment of last departure

Remember my love for you

For nothing else is left

 No gigantic hug, no lover’s embrace

 No poetic verse, no picture plane


This is my call

My very last one

Hear it now, and hear it loud


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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R, 2006 - 10 David Harth R, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Go out turn left.

Second Robot turn Right. Street name

Lynedoch (R310) Go straight till you get

another Robot at that Robot turn right.

Spier will be on your right-an-sight.


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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C, 2006 - 10 David Harth C, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Can’t Forever

Cycle past

And cycle do

Measurements made

Notes taken


This is the life

A mighty one

Short one incomplete


Magic between us

It is not tragic

This pull


It is of no other

It is outer space

A space so close


To mine

To yours


So, open your lips

And let me kiss you once more


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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I, 2006 - 10 David Harth I, 2006 - 10 David Harth

In The Midnight

No matter how fast I set my pace

No matter how fast I walk ahead

I can’t escape those browns


Those browns that infiltrate me

Those browns that make my life brighter


I try to leave

I try to forget

But who am I kidding?

I can’t, nor have I tried


Because you are mine

And I am yours

We knew it months and months and months and months ago

You were there

I was here

Now you are there

And I am here

But slowly it began

And now it has changed



Yours are brown

Mine are blue

And together

The most beautiful hue


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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A, 2006 - 10 David Harth A, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Ambassador of Brothers

Joining two across

            an ocean’s expanse

Bringing together lost

            brothers of Germany

Folded hands

            reflecting true

Bushy eyebrows

            defending loving eyes

Silver mop

            upon creative helmet

Torn apart

            needing to die

Terrible ways

            no more reasons

Feeding hope

            tasting awful

Can’t hear and can’t see

            Can’t walk and can’t bleed

Never minding

            always wishing

Large noses smelling

            medication ticking

Lasting love of wife

            counting years gone

Taught to see

            see the seam’s joining line


I am the ambassador

            I come before thee

Bring messages of hope

            And brotherly love

Farewells and greetings

            Till death do us part



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Before Men


Of blonde and blue

Muscular parts

Portal sides manned


Warm salt water

Bay of saints

Palestinian delights

Militant fights


Pregnant girls shout

March forth

To a valley of land mines

Weddings off shore


It is destiny

In a troubled world

Collapsing coffins of melodies

Maker’s shoes fitted


Tailored suits

Boxing match

Barbed wire fence

Political agenda


Blind men lead wrong

Girls scream “Ice-Cream!”

Perfect landing

Given blood yours


Iced mint tea waits

Court case won

Wig weaved

Clean shaven


Kings cross ache

Fulton high noon

Mortar fire close now

Martyr tested and failed


Rise like a God once more

In this truthful pit of failure

Explode your critical customs

Dream of the revolution coming


Becoming night

End at last

In the ground we die

Finally at rest



© 2009 David Greg Harth

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E, 2006 - 10 David Harth E, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Everything For Angola

You illuminate my heart

I am sad when we are apart


You are my lasting kiss

And my three year tryst


We believe in fate

Beyond heaven’s gate


Trusting your instinct, fall into my arms

Around your neck, a lover’s charms


Exquisite in every scent

Goodbyes are never meant


Buckle in bravery

Encourage my ancestry


Vast open African skies

Lost in your very brown eyes


Better squash butter

My tongue does not stutter


You are my cause of reality

Capturing my admiration silently


Remembering touching your soft skin

Fire burns inside our own kiln


Let us stand up tall

You and I, will never fall


In a week’s time, something

In a lifetime, everything



© 2009 David Greg Harth

Skin & Kiln rhymes in Harth’s mind

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W, 2006 - 10 David Harth W, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Went, Wept

Monthly moon

Eighth day past rest

Barricaded heart

Barracuda battle

Long, lost, here

Tomorrow, lost, gone

Best known thief

Inks her signature mark


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Last Night (Version #2)

Last night

You saddened my heart

Put me in an abyss of despair


Last night

You ripped my already torn heart

It is your defense, your guard


Last night

You stabbed my lifeline

Injured, I dream of my cause


Last night

You scratched and scraped my heart

Chalked outline covers the road


Last night

You scarred my heart forever

I dwindle into yesterday’s memory


Last night

You disabled my heart

I became a forgotten decade past


Last night

You ignored my fondness

I become of no concern, only a historical moment


Last night

You bruised my heart

Beaten, I am down, I am lost


Last night

You lowered me endlessly

A long twisting torture implemented


Last night

You slaughtered my heart

Now I vanish into the blanket


Last night

You disregarded me completely

Tomorrow’s departure approaches


Last night

You did not listen to yours, you did not accept

Today, I apologize for being love’s disruption




© 2009 David Greg Harth

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C, 2006 - 10 David Harth C, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Cock Scared

From the fourth floor window

She preaches her commitment

To penis, penis, penis


From the sixth floor window

She rides Magnum XL

On top of cock, cock, cock


© 2009 David Greg Harth

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