U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (New Year’s Day)

It is New Year’s Day.

What did you do?

Just the other day?


I sat in the center.

The epicenter.

Where 7th meets Broadway.

Where the neon lights are.

Where the movies are filmed.


I sat there.

All day long.

Handcuffed myself.

To a chair,

To the lamppost.

Right in the center.


The great big clock,

Behind me.

Coke in front of me.

I have never snorted.

About to now.


Corporate Surroundings

I wish I had a fuck on me.

I wish I had a smoke.


I sat in the center.

Chained to the chair.

To the lamppost.

I sat all day.


As the clock neared midnight.

I pulled the trigger.

Still handcuffed.

My thoughts now on the lamppost.






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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U, 2011 - 15 David Harth U, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Unknown Answers

I couldn’t fall asleep last night

I was twisting and turning

And turning and twisting

Getting tangled up in my sheets

And my blanket 

I would twist and turn

In a restless motion

Of flipping and adjusting and readjusting


I was thinking about her so much

Wondering if she felt the same way

Did she like me?

Like I liked her?

Was I back in time?

Was I in High School again?

Or are these just the games of love?

That we all play?


Should I pass her a note?

Beneath the desk?

Should I tell her best friend?

That I like her?

Should I smile at her?

That kind of smile that indicates,

“Hey, I like you.”?


These are the games.

These are my questions.

I hate to play games.

And I hate games played.


But what are you supposed to do?

When you’re in love.

And love is in you?

These are the unknown answers.

And the answers I seek.


So give me a sign.

And I’ll give you my heart.

© 2015 David Greg Harth


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U, 2011 - 15 David Harth U, 2011 - 15 David Harth


The crimson darkness has fallen upon us

I have vivid memories of you


Courting you with everything I’ve got

With an ammunition of poetry


Lying next to you on the Great Lawn

Beneath the galaxy of shimmering stars


Penetrating your wetness deeply from behind

Your hands pressed up against the cold window pane



The crimson darkness has fallen upon us

We lost our child to a storm of resulting emotions


You moved so far away from me

Coital cephalgia still infiltrates daily


Voices of you scream a haunting echo

In the empty chambers of my heart


I was intoxicated with infatuation

Blinded by your secret allurement



The crimson darkness has fallen upon us

Liquid dripped from your inner thigh months too early


We were bound for complete sadness

Our eyes turned to unyielding stone


Everything failed and came to a complete halt

As we battled for each other's existence


Off the bridge you desired

You walked on and I fell deep



Turned once more

Your lips parted slightly

As if to say one last goodbye

The shadows swallowed you whole

And you were gone


As the crimson darkness has fallen upon me

I have become unrecognizable



© 2014 David Greg Harth

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U, 2011 - 15 David Harth U, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Unvisited Locations

This space is often vacant

A hollowness which craves to be occupied


In the left atrium there is a huge area

Your wails can be heard in the empty cave

Echoing the dreams of hope

In the right atrium there is a tremendous zone

So vast, the blue oceans of the world cannot fill it completely


The left ventricle continues as an open field

Readily available for a new inhabitant

The right ventricle, a cloudless sky

Aching to encompass each floating cloud nine


Each connecting aorta and connecting pulmonary

Pumping the great warmth that makes me who I am

That trickles to the tips of my fingers

Of the hands that will hold you on any sunny day

And keep you warm on frigid nights


These are the unvisited locations in my heart

They are reserved for you

Come claim them


© 2012 David Greg Harth

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U, 2011 - 15 David Harth U, 2011 - 15 David Harth


Reveal the lion inside me

Let me roar an echoing proclamation


I’ll make shadows run for cover

As birds take an early migration


Water will flow upstream

Our ventricles will fill with hydration


The ground beneath us will quake

Swallowing our hearts with a radiant palpitation


End the eternal search

We have found our salvation


Allow these feelings to validate

Secrets turn into affirmation


I stand before you

I stand before everyone on this earth

I stand before every member of every nation

With my deepest declaration,

I proclaim –

Unleash my heart!



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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U, 2011 - 15 David Harth U, 2011 - 15 David Harth


With a wooden spoon, stir the tea

In a hidden safe, put away the key


Venturing into the unknown

No more days of being alone


Inside your heart I’ve started a fire

You’ll never forget my eyes of sapphire


No sense in blocking the unconventional

These emotions are multidimensional


Delete the borders and erase the distance

Surrender to your own resistance


I’ve escaped the artificial

Everything with you is beyond celestial


We’ll orbit the sun, the moon, and the stars

This warmth heals our internal scars


Our breathless silence shall pass

My affection for you will last


As witness to my eyes

I’ll harmonize your midnight cries


Put away your defense

Hand in hand we shall commence


This love is now for hire

Have I found a repeat buyer?


My heart is yours, I will never sever

Take it and occupy it forever



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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U, 2011 - 15 David Harth U, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Uncharted Territory

For over three decades

I have treaded in the ocean

I have surfed each available sea

I have searched multiple continents

And I have scurried lands far and wide


With each nautical map I follow

My sails have always led me towards you

My bow always pointed me towards you

Each direction given

Each wind blown


I was just a lost man on a voyage

Now found

In this uncharted territory



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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U, 2006 - 10 David Harth U, 2006 - 10 David Harth


In the darkest midnight hour

Under the cover of blackness


Beneath the full moon’s scattered fingerprints

Drowned out by the rumble of approaching thunder


In the shadows of love’s past

Hidden among the forgotten and lost


Muffled by an echoed plea

Silenced with a concealed drum


Behind the defensive guard

Soldiers regroup and reload



The wall goes up.



Thick ropes are pulled

Iron gates are lowered


Water is emptied from the moat

Replaced with molten lava


Last chariots are escorted across

Bridges are destroyed


Staircases crumble to the ground

Ladders are burned to ashes


Catapults are dismantled

Instruments of flight are demolished



The wall goes up.



Released from the chamber

Now escorted back


Through violent storms

Through raging seas


To the frozen tundra

To the deepest depth below


Far below the obtainable surface

Far beyond the foreseeable future


Stolen and broken it was

Stronger and thicker it has become



The wall goes up.




© 2010 David Greg Harth

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U, 2006 - 10 David Harth U, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Unforeseen Circumstance

You entered so unexpectedly.

Your funny bones, laughing gas.

Your two drink minimum, tri-state tour.


I wasn’t prepared.

To hear your voice, catch your singing.

To see your gaze, taste your tears.

To ask you, nibble your lips.


What’s done is done.

She’s not late, neither are you.

She’s pre-occupied, you have the occupation.

She’s not, you aren’t.


Saving one by one has to get done.

Telling your love, you are in love.

Telling the audience, you are in love.

Telling you, you are in love.


Surprised, startled.

Shocked, stepped upon.

Shattered, scattered.

Strung about, strung along.

Strewn, sunken.

Slipped away, sailed forward.


Circumcised, demoralized,

I’m in love now, history now.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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U, 2006 - 10 David Harth U, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Unlock Me

Knowing how the heart catapults into love,

I am uncertain if it’s you

If it’s you I could love.


I should until the end of time

Until death parts us

But I’ve only just found the key.


Find the looking glass, told.

I’ve climbed the mountain,

I shiver in thought.


He left the door ajar

Soundless she lies on the bed

Bare and innocent, calling.


The crow sits on the sill

As my love is wasted away

In you.


Pick up your belongings

Arise from your still

It is I who is now your shadow.


End your quest

Become the woman you are

For I too, am she.


Drink the blood

Your monthly

Let me suckle down yours.


Know that I love thee.

And it is you

That is my key.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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U, 2001 - 05 David Harth U, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Under David’s

I am so excited. The Mayor is very kind and wonderful

Three entire floors. Levels. Little nooks. Little crannies.

So, I can curl up and read a book to my daughter.

In a chair. Beneath the iron cast ceilings.

Smell the scent of street sausages and cotton candy.

I am so excited. I’ll have all the access to this knowledge.

The data. The documents. The concepts. The history.

So much to consume. Right here. So many books.

I’ll read. I’ll look. I’ll borrow. I’ll check out.

All within walking distance. Right under David’s place!


© 2005 David Greg Harth

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U, 2001 - 05 David Harth U, 2001 - 05 David Harth

The Ultimate Crime Of The Century


somehow, in some way

I got away with it.


I committed the ultimate sin

A most heinous crime

The ultimate crime of the century.

So horrible

So bad

So disgusting

So inhumane


And I got away with it


Mentions of burnt human carcass

dismembered human remains

misplaced joints

and scattered teeth


© 2002 David Greg Harth

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U, 2001 - 05 David Harth U, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Up Down

Don’t know which way is up

The direction today

Left or right

Everything is a blur

Let go of it

East & West

North & South

He says “Do or die”

Wish I could die

Wish I could die


© 2001 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Under Over

Under Spell

Over Spell


Under Beauty

Over Beauty


Under Ground

Over Ground


Under Capture

Over Capture


Under Hunt

Over Hunt


Under Think

Over Think


Under Ache

Over Ache


Under Sadness

Over Sadness


Under Happiness

Over Happiness


Under Walk

Over Walk


Under Eat

Over Eat


Under Sleep

Over Sleep


Under Sweet

Over Sweet


Under Dream

Over Dream


Under Wish

Over Wish


Under Write

Over Write


Under Paint

Over Paint


Under Kiss

Over Kiss


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (With Her)

You put me to rest

And you left me in shame


You ask me if it’s getting better

No, it’s not.


I listen to you ringing in my ears

But I don’t do the things you tell me too


I stand to be a rebel and I’m not sure why

What cause what for


Walking great white ways

And reaching my goals


Still, I cry in the middle of the night

Waking up in red nightmares of inappropriate behavior


Inhaling smoking juveniles

And taking temperature-less showers


Day room blues and January air

I’m eating sweet bananas now


You put me to rest

And I left without shame


Seeing you go under

In the hot sunshine


Listening to angels

Writing eulogies


Should have hugged more

Wrote more visited more


Instead, now all is gone

I didn’t even know you


My art hangs on your walls

And new people are lovin’ it


You put me to rest

Now you are in shame


Because you refused to listen

Or accept and spend


You abused what we had and who we were

And never said please or sorry or thankyou


Now you die alone in your own misery

Not having myself or anyone to hold



It’s just you

And me baby


The death parted us

And nothing is left


Sleeping alone

Now these days


It gets colder

And I go to the art fair at Washington Square


I visit Fredrick Douglass Blvd

To get a gun to blow my brains on the floor


Friends tell me how to position the gun



Friends lay asleep and wish it was them



I feed the pigeons

And rise and fall


Because this is my life

And she is ashamed.




© 1999 David Greg Harth 1515 NYC 1515 NYC

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Making Love)

Speaking in tongues

Devilish swirls

Around tender navels

Feeling your thigh

Up against mine

We mingle and twist

In the midnight mist

Feeling the groove

Of fresh air

Amplify the erotic

Art of touch

Stealing the kiss

From last night




© 1999 David Greg Harth

99.02.06:01:23:00  @ Flannery’s 14th st NYC

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Breath of sadness

Stolen by thieves

And gruesome vultures

Pumped bass

And mechanical inhumanity

Opaque surfaces

Manual pleasure

Longing for fresh squeezed OJ

being a professional unhappier




© 1998 David Greg Harth -> NYC Flt#1874

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Phone Calls)

I lurk in the shadows

As a bomb at the station goes off


I digest my surroundings

And record her every move


I attack my city

When the poets or pope

Come to town


I create love

And conduct the orchestra


Lust will chant symphonies of blood

As my loneliness lasts to the bathhouse


Clear skies protect their loved ones

As blind men communicate about leather


Bible signatures

And an artist’s handicap


Sitting, shivering in the cold

She doesn’t hold me tonight

And last night’s rain is still dripping

Down my arched back


I hear the Beatles pledge to the boy in the Rye

And the Art Killers

in cathedrals

and central park


They come and go

When doves cry

Go home


Melodies in red, white, and blue

Paste my wall


But all I can do

Is put my cock ring on

And fuck Ms. Liberty

Until I cum inside her wet torch


The others sending thanks

And lyrics of the past

I give all

And take little


Robbing the banks

To produce the consumer

I work every day

To beg on my knees

For forgiveness


She has blue eyes today

Baby Blue

Yesterday a shade of brown

But whenever I see her

A mirror is broken


I stay in the night

To feel sausage sliding

And baby back ribs





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Available For Love)

I give up my world for you

For your touch

For the smoothness of your skin

For the revolution around your soul


I give up my world for you

To have the sensation

To kiss your cheeks

And hold you forever


I’ll show the world who I am

Come out of my hiding

Show no secrets

And answer all questions


I’ll stop my art

I’ll become a shadow

To save you from agony

To save you from hope


Notice me

The person inside

The man

The passion

The sweetness

The kindness

The lover

The artist


Don’t talk to me

Just show me the way

Put your words aside

Show me your emotions


Let me see your insides

Your heart

Your beating




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Together)

Two together

Feeling the souls

Pouring water

Washing the heat

Twisting the passion

All around


Caressing your lips

Following your silky legs

Up your thighs


Feeling the inside

With my tongue against yours

Two tongues exchanging

Exploring wonders

And the warmness inside


Sweat created

And devoured with thirst

Tracing the curves

Imbedded under water


Nibbling and stroking

From inside and out

Soothing and massaging

Wondering about


Smoothness felt

Fingers between hair

Gentle kisses

And thrusts of desire


Candle light by tub tonight

Hot water to cool

Flowers smelt and cheered

For you

For you




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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